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How do I express deep gratitude in Korean?

Hi there!

There are so many ways to say "thank you" in Korean, so I'm sure I still don't know them all! And I know sometimes there are special forms / phrases they use in TV drama sometimes. So I wonder if you could tell me

a) if you like, which expressions of "thanks" / thankfulness / gratitude you know and

b) what would be a/the most appropriate phrase to express ones deep gratitude?

감사합니다 !! ^_^

1 Antwort

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
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    고맙습니다 (pronounced ko map sum ni da): very formal, use it in business situations.

    감사합니다 (pronounced kam sa ham ni da): very formal

    고마워요 (pronounced ko ma wa yo): a bit less formal, but still formal

    고마워 (pronounced: ko ma wa): informal, say it to your close friends

    NB: The suffix 요 (yo) is used at the end of some phrases for more respect. Example, 'mollayo', I don't know. Molla also means I don't know, but the 'yo' at the end of it gives it more respect.

    I'm not sure if there are more ways to say 'thank you' in Korean, but these are the only ones I know >.<

    The most appropriate phrase to express deep gratitude would be different for the person you're talking to. I would just say 'kamsahamnida' over and over again, to anyone. Hehe, I'm not sure about you though.

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