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I know this is not a travel question, but I am curious.?

Why is it that practically all answers about travel in Germany and only Germany, even perfectly correct and reasonable answers get ridiculous amounts of thumbs down. I don't see this in any travel questions about other countries.

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    That section is infected by an aggressive troll with more than a hundred accounts. He must be spending hours doing his nonsense there day after day. It's going on like that for more than two years already. If it wouldn't be so much work, he would certainly expand to other sections. It's a strange obsession, the results are looking ridiculous, yes, but there must be a sad story behind it.

    YA doesn't find a way to help themselves against him, they always do what he wants to when he reports a good question or answer with ten or twenty of his accounts.

  • vor 7 Jahren

    I forgot to add on my comment that they are probably looking with their history glasses over their eyes and believing that what happened then, like Hitler, will happen again. People have a bad tendency to live in the past and never move on to bigger and better things. That is what is wrong with 90% of the population now.

    Quelle(n): My own words.
  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Many whites in America have a very misguided notion of what White Privilege actually is. As soon as you bring up the topic they point to their own hardships or the hardships of other whites, such as poverty. They fail to understand that white privilege isn’t the same for every white person. Privilege gives more whites a statistical advantage in many areas over other cultures, especially blacks, but it isn’t a magic wand that makes white people’s lives better.

    White privilege is a side effect of centuries of systematic racism and white cultural favoritism. A friend of mine called white privilege “white comparative advantage.” The odds for success are statistically slanted in favor of whites but do not absolutely guarantee success.

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    a lot oif trolls. oh, and another thing. ISIS warriors are NOT holy, like you said.

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  • vor 6 Jahren

    Hey FVKWIT!! Come back to your answer you fvkin retard!!!!!!

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