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bypass fragte in SportsFantasy Sports · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

fantasybaseball trade your opinion?

I have just completed a controversial trade in my league We are allowed to sign players to 3yr and 5 year contracts; so here is the deal I made, Hanley Ramirez 3yrs left on a 5year deal, in return I got Starlin Castro Steve Latos, 1st year of a 3year contract and 2 5th round picks .....what do you think of this deal

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Do you serious expect us to have an opinion based on what you told us?

    Without knowing how many players are kept in your league, how can I possibly have any idea how much a 5th round pick is worth? That means nothing.

    And who is Steve Latos? You'd have been better off trading for Mat Latos.

    And since I don't know how badly your team needs the pitching help, I have no idea how that deal works for you.

    Otherwise, great question.

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