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rebel_leader fragte in HealthDiet & Fitness · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

How many kg can you lose per month on average?

Hi there,

to explain my question, at the moment, I'm stuck at a stupid small town out of nowhere and there isn't even a proper fitness studio here. I'd have to drive at least 70 km to the next one, which I won't because a) I got no car and b) not enough time for a two hour train commute three times a week!

So anyways, I'll go into a major megacity in August for an internship :) and I strongly plan to immediatly join any fitness center and work out as much as I can to lose some weight! (I'm only like 69 kg being a guy, but I still dearly need to shape my body!) Now the question is, how many kg do you expect to lose buy working out with weights etc.? I will NOT do any girly stuff, even running doesn't help. Because I know the bodyweight perspective of Mark Lauren (I have to admit I haven't read his book yet though >.<) thus I think this will help me maximize my potential!

So any experienced people which had experiences themselves or work in the industry, I'd be happy to hear what you think - and I'm always thankful about tips or scold. ;)



I'm a Vegetarian since 8 years, just saying. So I try to live as healthy as I can, but white collar jobs make you get out of shape. >.<

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    average is 2lbs a week

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You don't say how tall you are so I will assume you are average height.

    It appears from how you have worded the question that you have confused weight loss with fat loss. A 69KG person of average height is not overweight in fact you may be slightly underweight. Check out this body mass index

    Rather than wait until August to start training have you tried any bodyweight training. You can do this at home, in your backyard or local park. You need little or no equipment so you will have no excuse to start.

    Have a look at this article

    Bodyweight training if you put effort into it ain't girly.

    If you want to wait until August before you decide to take action about your shape then check out this article in meantime which may help you with an eating plan

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