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Should the UK taxpayer be shouldering the burden of 'disability exiles'?

Taking advantage of our health system has never been an acceptable reason for being admitted to the UK as a foreign visitor. However, this article (under 'Wednesday') describes how people from other parts of the Commonwealth move to the UK specifically to avail themselves of our benefits scheme. Can we afford such generosity?

5 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    hI Turk,

    No we can't and if Sceptic drops in these people are white and ex pats so this is not racist,

    No is common sense, they chose to live in Australia so that's where they should seek a remedy to their problems. Did I hear someone say ''but the poor devils can't afford it''?

    That's the point neither can we who pay our National insurance within our own economy

    ATB Red

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are lots of things the UK does that it can't afford to do:

    £600m 'aid' to Pakistan

    Incapacity benefit to addicts

    Bail out bankrupt EU countries

    Attack Libya

    These are just a few. Governments are all twisted, corrupt, power-hungry animals that do what the hell they like and stick up 2 fingers to the public. That's why I stopped voting. There's no point.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No we can't afford it. Send them all home especially muslims.Did you see on the news today that five so called British asians have been arrested photographing sellafield nuclear plant.IF anything happens to that the whole country is finished,probably civil war will break out and god knows what the future of the country will be.

    Quelle(n): The fear and distrused that grips the whole country
  • a
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No of course we shouldn't, what I would like to know, to dearly know is who first sanctioned this madness.

    It beggars belief that we in a time of cuts and austerity still do this, why, why do we do these things, who is it who takes it upon themselves to do the Del Monte trick, when he say YES, WHO, for fuks sake's WHO.


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  • ?
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    that's the right wing for you, blame others, when in reality they are worse because allegedly they know better, yet still abuse the system. moral compass hmmm?

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