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Luna fragte in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Astrology can tell if pregnant or not, the next day?

Did she conceive last night? Is she pregnant?

I heard that "horary chart" can show it if you know the time of conception. Can you believe it? Anyone had experience with this?

I found it here:

6 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    No, it cannot. Sorry.

  • Markab
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This will go over big. Modern astrology has managed to screw up the art to the point of making it nearly unrecognizable from what it was. Horary is undergoing a comeback and the same is true in that area.

    The question is not considered valid until it has been asked of an astrologer. The astrologer should not use the time the querent (the one who asks the question) first thought of it, but rather when it was asked of the astrologer. "OMG the condom broke, I wonder if ..." is not the time of the question. Think of the Zen question, "If a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a noise?" The answer is "no." In order for the noise to exist someone has to be around to experience it. Now the modern scientist would howl in protest, but they cause more problems than they solve anyway, so ignore them.

    A competent horary astrologer will make sure the question is clear and unambiguous, too. If a timid young Romeo shuffled over and said, "Uh what if I need to, you know, like tell if someone is uh pregnant can you do that?' That's not the time of the question. Whom is he asking about? His wife? His mother? His sister? And who is the potential father? His brother? His friend? etc. Once it gets out he is asking about last night's encounter with his girl firend the astrologer can proceed.

    This business of partner vs lover and 5th house v 8th house sex is utter nonsense. If a man and a woman are having sex, they are partners even if the act takes place in the closet of a coffee shop they met in 5 minutes before, and they never see each other after. "What if it's my girlfriend and I'm married?" Well shame on you but unless your wife is involved in the question, the quesited (person or thing asked about) is 7th house. Now if the question is, "Is my girlfriend pregnant and will my wife find out?" or some other arrangement of that tune, we have to do some thinking as both can't be 7th house. However this is not the place for a course on horary.

    You can ask the same question twice. The saying is "As above, so below;" not "As above so below every now and then." What you cannot do is keep running from astrologer to astrologer in the hopes of getting a different answer because you didn't like the first one. I had a client like that. Interestingly she never did get the answer she wanted from me anyway. She may have been too old to conceive, and she was definitely in the danger zone if she wasn't quite that old. She asked me four or five times if she would get pregnant and the answer each time was no and she never did.

    Finally someone needs a sex lesson. Conception is not immediate. It can take place hours or days after the act. Conception charts were used a couple of thousand years ago and astrologers were known to hide in the royal bedchambers to record the "time" of conception. Interesting job this astrology. But it doesn't seem to work as well as the traditional "first breath."

    The link you provided linked to the original source and that astrologer knows how to do it properly.

    But here is the best advice you can get regarding pregnancy from an astrologer: buy a pregnancy test kit and/or wait a month.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yeah, that is horary astrology. But there are a few cautions:

    1. First of all, you have to remember that a horary chart is a birth chart for a question ... the time that the question was "born", that it arose in your mind with startling clarity that you had a specific question that you wanted answered. You can't think of the question later think of it again and use that second time.

    2. You don't use the time of conception. This would make the chart an "event chart", with different interpretation rules, and you won't get a yes/no answer from an event chart.

    3. You have make it very clear what the relationship is of the person you are asking about.

    In a horary chart, the first house represents the person asking the question, in this case it is you.

    If you are asking about your lover, you would use the 5th house to represent them. Or if she is your partner you'd use the 7th. If a casual friend, the 11th. If she is an in-law, you'd use the 9th house ... etc.

    Once it was determined which house in the chart represented this female, then you could study the ruler of the sign on that house for your answer (plus the ruler of the 5th house from whatever house was determined to represent the female you are asking about).

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    I'm going to an open house to a school that I will most probably be going to next year. But now that I hear about this Australia Day thing, I may just have to scratch that plan and celebrate the day dedicated to the Land of the Kangaroos. So is this a gift-giving holiday? Do I get presents? Should I bring a dish of cinnamon rolls or something? Should I bring my own saddle for kangaroo riding lessons? What colors do the kangaroos come in? If green isn't an option, you can just forget me ever coming.

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  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    It’s common sense: the healthier you are, the more likely you are to get pregnant. Try to do whatever you can to improve your chances of getting pregnant. Learn here

    If you are overweight, try to lose some and get to a healthier weight. Eat a healthy, well balanced diet, and exercise as often as possible. Don’t smoke, don’t drink,and of course, don’t do drugs. Try to avoid stressful situations, and keep things as calm as possible. Do whatever you can to keep everything as cool as possible. This will give you the best chance to get pregnant.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Please write birth details and time of sex for your answer

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