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Luna fragte in Entertainment & MusicHoroscopes · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

In Progressions, how many degrees do you calculate?

Since I’m still struggling to understand Progressions and Transits, I was wondering if all the Progressions use 1 degree per year or is there a different calculation for each Planet?

1 Antwort

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    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    In progression, 1 degree = 1 year of life. But in Secondary progression, every day AFTER birth = 1 year of life so that if you were interested in finding out your 30th year of life and events in that year, you would use the 30th day after birth as your new birth chart. This can be further broken up to calculate the date of the event approximately.

    Example above... .if you want to pinpoint an event, 2 hours = 1 month of time and 4 minutes = 1 day.

    For the other progressions inside a Solar return, you can progress any planet or angles at the rate of 1 deg = 1 month to pinpoint an event.


    Quelle(n): The Undertaker
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