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IN THE BIBLE for those that actually study, where can it be found what blaspheme actually is for sure?

DO NOT GUESS and i know i will get more troll answers then actualy spiritual ones but I of have found 2 occasions where the jews in jesus time accused him of blaspheme 10 points to the first one that writes it and can explain a little what it means


MPH , thank you for your wise input In what you state by comparing scripture with scripture that is the correct way to understand the bible .However this was a specific question.. BRIAN well done you gave more scriptural references then I had asked for and they were all correct. I do not recall reading answers from you before but thank you.

Update 2:

actually SKEETER I ask questions not for myself in religous and spiritualiy section i read your comment and those two answers were at the top of my mind also thanks. . s owhen we read today about what the bible further states about anti-christ the scriptures u gave and brian and MPH link will further assist us to be wiser . watch out hehe!1 going to ask more prophetic questions in the future

13 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    “Blasphemy” in the Greek Scriptures. The apostle Paul showed the basic meaning of bla‧sphe‧mi′a by using the related Greek verb bla‧sphe‧me′o at Romans 2:24 when quoting from Isaiah 52:5 and Ezekiel 36:20, 21, cited above.

    Blasphemy includes the act of claiming the attributes or prerogatives of God, or ascribing these to another person or thing. (Compare Ac 12:21, 22.) The Jewish religious leaders accused Christ Jesus of blasphemy because he said that the sins of certain persons were forgiven (Mt 9:2, 3; Mr 2:5-7; Lu 5:20, 21), and they tried to stone him as a blasphemer because of his declaring himself to be God’s Son. (Joh 10:33-36) When Jesus made a statement to the Sanhedrin concerning God’s purpose toward him and the high position to be granted him, the high priest ripped his garments and accused Jesus of blasphemy, for which Jesus was condemned as worthy of death. (Mt 26:63-66; Mr 14:61-64) Having no authority from the Romans to implement the death sentence, the Jewish religious leaders shrewdly changed their accusation of blasphemy to that of sedition when taking Jesus before Pilate.—Joh 18:29–19:16.

    Quelle(n): *** it-1 pp. 338-339 Blasphemy ***
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    My friend, I'm happy you have found those two occasions where Jesus was accused to have blasphemed. This shows you study your Bible.

    Blaspheme is to, "Speak evil of"

    The Pharisees and Sadducee's had a hard time with some of Jesus claims.

    John 10:30 Jesus say's I and mt Father are one. The Jews were going to stone Him for that statement. Jesus ask them for what good work will they stone me over, and they said not for any good work, but for Blaspheme! Verse 33, Because you being "man", make yourself God.

    Another place is were Jesus forgives sin, and the Jews sites that only God can forgive sins. Matthew 9:2. Verse 3 says "This Man blasphemes"!

    Jesus teaches that all manner of speaking evil of can be forgiven. If you speak evil of Jesus, if you speak evil of God, These can be forgiven. But the one thing that could never be forgiven is the evil spoken against the Holy Spirit.

    Simply meaning, People have denied God, so God sent his Son, people have denied His Son, so the last that God can do is send the Spirit, to convince mankind to change.There was wonders and sign done, so if a person would Deny this, then there is no other way to convince man.

    I have never seen An Atheist blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and pray you never do.

    Also I've never seen a "christan" challenge a person to do this act. Hope they never do.

    I might not be the fastest in your request to reply, but I hope you find this interesting.

  • Hudie
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Your term is a Greek one, and may not translate well to the Hebrew. There is a big difference from being a rasha and an intentional rasha (heresy) - which is to flaunt your disbelief publicly after a warning (stage one) and incite others to improper behavior (stage 2).

    Yehoshua ben Yosef was found guilty of heresy (and, if your books are accurate, he was guilty). For that he was given lashes and set free. The Roman's found him guilty of sedition (which, under Roman military law, he was), and killed him along with tens of thousands of others.

    Since I cannot claim to know the "Nu?" Testament, I can tell you no more.

    Quelle(n): A former Prot. Minister turned Orthodox Rabbi gave a talk on this some years ago in Lakewood. Facinating.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The trick with trying to connect new testament accounts of what Jewish characters did to actual Jewish law and practice is that the New Testament was put into its final form by the council in Nicea about 200 years after the Jewish components of the nacent Christian religion died away and the anti-Jewish components had substantial control.

    So there is very seldom a way to determine whether a given character and statement are at all real or are bad-guy caricatures.

    That said,

    Jewish law does not have a single "sin" of blasphemy.

    Jewish law is very specific as to violation, as to evidence, and as to punishment. Jewish law does not allow Crucifiction.

    It should further be noted that whatever a Jewish court may or may not have thought, he was tried and convicted in a Roman court of sedition against Rome and was executed by the Roman military in a distinctively Roman manner.

    And further, as the Talmud records, Jewish leders thought it a violation of their religious morality to particiate a situation which culminated in a man being killed in this manner and many fled and lived in hiding and fear of being themselves executed rather than be put into position of doing so -- no matter what a man's crime may be.

    With all those caveats,

    depending on what you believe that Jesus taught, he may have violated a number of Jewish laws:

    (1) assault and battery - when he attacked temple employees who were "changing money" in the temple (BTW - the income of this was a fund which was used to support the poor throughout the Jewish communities of the Roman empire)

    (2) vandalism of temple property - same incident

    (3) rebelion against rabinic legislation (if proven in court, violation would result in a whipping) - for purposefuly and publicaly refusing to ritualy wash before eating bread and encouraging others to do likewise

    (4) Biblical violation of the Sabbath and encouraging others to do likewise - if he and his students were in fact picking grain which was at the time attached to the ground they were violating a fundamental Biblical prohibition.

    (5) If you believe that the gospel indicates that he tried to get people to believe that he was God (I don't read it that way), then thats incitement to a basic violation of the law against idolatry - "you shall not venerate anything on the earth ...." - under the law God gave the Jews at Sinai, a person can not be a god.

    Note regarding the Son of Man reference. This is perfect example of a gospel quote that must be wrong. "Son of Man" was, in early Jewish mysticism as practiced at the time of Jesus the term to refer to a practicioner who had so far purified himself that his human body burned away and he became an angel.

    It would, in fact, be perfectly acceptible for a Jewish mystic of the Yeshivah of Elijah to look forward to being a "son of man sitting at the right hand of God". It is not at all likely that a Jewish scholar and official would not have known this and regarded this as an acceptible Jewish practice. Though since this was a "secret practice" he may have been upset about a guy talking about it in public.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The Bible is meant to be studied in order to understand it. We compare verses with other verses to get a clearer picture of what God is saying. There isn't one single verse explaining this, but when we search the scriptures then it becomes clearer.

    It's knowing God and His mercy then willfully walking away from it.

    To understand it better look at this article.

    It takes a lot of proof of scripture to prove this and the article explains it. I'm in complete agreement with it.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Mark 14: 62 “I am,” said Jesus. “And you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

    63 The high priest tore his clothes. “Why do we need any more witnesses?” he asked. 64 “You have heard the blasphemy. What do you think?”

    That's all I have time to look up, but basically they didn't believe He was really the Son of God, so they called it blasphemy.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Psalm 74:10 O God, how long shall the adversary reproach? shall the enemy blaspheme thy name for ever?

    Mark 3:28 Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:

    29 But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    During His trial Jesus was asked directly:

    "Are you the Son of God?"

    His answer: "I Am."

    "We have no further need of proof; he has blasphemed!"

    This confession put Jesus on equal footing with God. hence it was deemed falsely fo be blasphemy.

    Quelle(n): Jesus lives
  • Matt
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is right there in the 10 Commandments. "I am the Lord your God. You Shall have no other Gods Before Me."

    Anyone who then promotes themselves or anyone or anything else as a Godhead is blasphemous.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If you are looking for an exact definition, the dictionary would probably be more helpful.

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