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This has baffled me for quite a while?

So I am a christian, but there is one concept I can't grasp. We claim there is one God, but Jesus is God's son, & then there's the Holy Spirit? Wouldn't that make Three? Someone please explain ...

30 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    No, you are not a Christian, you are confused.

    Read John 1:1-14 from a good translation. Holy Trinity is about one true God. The Son of God is the same God as the Father God is ( Isaiah 9:6 ) but they have a different role in Trinity

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    :The Muslims just give it to you straight up. They say that Christians worship 3 gods, God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. The doctrine of the "Trinity" did not evolve until some 3-400 years after Jesus death and is not spelled out in the bible, so the Muslims have a point on this. The "Trinity" idea came about more or less at the same time Jesus was declared to be divine, which meant we now had two "gods" and then there was the fact of Jesus telling the Apostles at the Ascension that "after I leave, the Comforter (holy spirit?) will come". So now we have 3 "gods" to deal with. That won't work, so let's lump them all together, call it the "trinity" and when people ask how that works, we call it a "mystery". To this day, most theologians can't really explain it, so don't be upset that you can't grasp it.

    I LOVE being agnostic. I can watch all this foolishness knowing perfectly well that all these fools have no idea of what they are talking about in the first place because no way can a finite mind understand an infinite "god".

    Blessings on your Journey!

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is called the Trinity. The three operate as one. God has always been and always will be, so has Christ and the Holy Spirit making them a part of God as well. This next part isn't Biblical, but the way I see it is: God cannot associate himself with any kind of evil because the definition of sin is the absence of God. If God (the Father) were to come to Earth, we, having sinned, would all die due to his holiness and if we didn't, then God would no longer be pure, that is why it is impossible. So since we sinned is there no hope for us? Absolutely not. God is bigger and greater than our folly, so the son is necessary for the forgiveness of our sins--you know the story. Also because God wants to have constant communion with us he needs somehow to be with us even in our sins. This is the Holy Spirit. When you're at church and you feel the "presence of God" you are feeling the presence of the Holy Spirit. Yet at the same time it is God. We as humans sometimes think, that's impossible, but that is when we forget how much greater God is than us, of course its possible; its God. IN AN OVERVIEW: if you're a visual learner think of it like this: man used to commune with God (the Father) himself in the garden; man sinned; BOOM! separation; man can no longer commune with God; God sends his son to die (builds bridge between God and man); God sends the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Holy Spirit crosses bridge and has constant communion with man [when 2 or more are gathered, he is there-sort of thing]). I too struggled with this question, and this is the answer I found however it includes some of my views which are based off of the Bible. I can honestly say that while we are human, we will never fully understand God, if we could then he wouldn't be God. Also don't take this as truth, test everything according to the word of God and ask God some questions for yourself, and he will begin to open your eyes, this way you can secure an answer as truth if you are still struggling with it. good question and may God bless you with understanding!

    Quelle(n): Bible; own search for answers.
  • gong
    Lv 4
    vor 5 Jahren

    As a smoker, i became very pass to awaken this morning and pay interest to that smoking in my automobile - which I do in many cases - is now banned. No be conscious, no caution. My automobile isn't a employer automobile, I infrequently have passengers (and if I do, i do not smoke) and that i do not remove my cigarettes out of my window. I actually were smoking longer than I actually were driving, and that i visit actual locate and elementary a cigarette without taking my eyes off the line - i detect it extra distracting attempting to regulate the radio station. And in 15 years of smoking at the same time as driving, I have not in any respect once dropped a cigarette in my lap. After somewhat study, notwithstanding, i got here across that smoking isn't banned, as such - that is in basic terms hostile to suggestion. when you're driving dangerously, committing a driving offence or desirous about an twist of destiny at the same time as smoking, then you will face a extra severe penalty. notwithstanding, smoking on your automobile is taken into consideration inadvisable particularly than unlawful and a contributary element in case you do some thing incorrect. So, I shall nevertheless be luckily lighting fixtures up at the same time as driving - it is about the in reality position i visit smoke without pissing someone off those days.

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  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    actually the bible acknowledges more then one god in the 10 commandments, BUT god says, put no other god BEFORE ME. So u can worship ur god, like mary or whatever, but God himself muust come first, thats my interpretation anyway.

    So about the trinity meaning 3

    this is how I see it, but I would reccommend u talk to ur pastor.

    God the father

    Jesus the son, born of the flesh so he could walk the earth and save us from our sins, god could not because we are filthy with sin as u know already.

    The holy spirit or ghost being his soul, i understand a spirit can move around like a ghost is indestructable and is the essence of his presence in the churches and peoples hearts, the area where the soul resides

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    1) There is only one God.

    2) The Father is God.

    3) The Son is God.

    4) The Holy Spirit is a Person who is God.

    5) The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are distinct from each other.

    The inner relationship of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in such a way that each of them is fully and equally God, yet there are not three Gods but one is incomprehensible to the human mind. It is a mystery.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It is the trinity. It is made up of three parts: The father, the son, and the holy spirit.

    It's pretty complicated but basically:

    -The father is not the son

    -The son is not the holy spirit

    -The holy spirit is not the father


    -But they are all god

    Pretty much they are three different forms of god. The father created the universe etc. The son (Jesus) came down from heaven to spread the word. And the holy spirit is the spirit that is in all believers. They are all god but they are not each other.

    I hope I helped!

    Quelle(n): My 13 year old self
  • Ray
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It says in the old testament that there is only ONE God and He is a jealous God then the new testament declares that God now has a sun - The holy spirit id the holy breathe.

    The translators of the bible are a very tricky bunch.

    Try this youtube video for a better answer...

    Quelle(n): Teachings
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Everyone's problem here, is thinking that the word.....ONE...means ...1...

    It is not counting anything.

    It means a total UNITY; EQUALITY.

    So yes, God is ONE, but it does NOT mean he is 1.

    Jesus is not God. Of course he is now a part of that Holy God kingdom, since God gave him this glory..

    God is a full kingdom, made up of innumerable MEMBERS....same as the HUMAN KINGDOM...or animal kingdom, or any other that God made.

    We are in his image = one body, but many members.

    Now until the world comes to this truth, understands it, accepts it, nothing but confusion will be for them.

    The truth open the understanding, and there is no confusion.

    Quelle(n): KJV truth
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You are right, the concept of the Trinity is difficult to understand. But, when Jesus was baptized, there were three distinct manifestations of God--Jesus in the body; God the Father speaking, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased"; and the Holy Spirit descending upon Jesus like a dove. In Genesis, God said, "Let us create man in our own image." Also, God is Love--how can love exist if there is not a relationship?.....implying more than one. But, the Bible also says, "Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one."

    I imagine that my experiences where my spirit is willing but my flesh is weak might be a dim reflection of having distinct parts yet being one.

    I do like what one person said above about "one" meaning "unity" instead of "1" as in counting.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Im an atheist and do not believe in any of this, but I went to catholic school for 4 years and learned some stuff. It is thought that They are all 3 part of 1 thing. Its called the holy trinity. The father, the son, and the holy spirit. They believe that all 3 of them work together and are one.

    Quelle(n): Religion class
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