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Can anyone help restore my laptop to full screen display, please?

I have a new laptop which clearly has a mind of its own when it comes to switching between full screen display and three quarter screen display (with black bands to either side and some of the information on the screen being out of sight). Or -- more likely -- its my clumsy fingers pressing something I shouldn't. It's a Toshiba Tecra and it is fitted with Windows 7. If anyone can rescue me in my pathetic plight, I shall be most grateful!


Tuckinvy -- I tried it and it worked! Thank you! You have transformed my day!

1 Antwort

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    just right click anywhere free on the desktop and click on screen resolution and make sure its on recommended which should be full screen (1366 x 768) is mine...just play with the size otherwise that makes yours full screen

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