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naaaaz fragte in TravelAir Travel · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Flying with South African Airways, need an advice.?

I've never flown with this airline before, I will be VERY BUT VERY TIRED, I 'll be flying from Monterrey(Mexico) to Houston then I have to wait 5 hours to take my 10 hour plane to London then I have AN AMAZING LAYOVER of 12 hours in Heathrow to take my flight to Cape Town with this airline, How are those planes like? I mean, are they comfortable?, Do they have ptv? This flight is a little long, and someone told me this airline sucks!, so I want to prepare myself to this adventure hahaha.

3 Antworten

  • Flo
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Well, you chose this itinerary so the main thing is to prepare yourself for the terrible lengths of time you will have to spend in the airports. That's where you are least likely to get sleep.

    You may be pleasantly surprised with SAA. They are no less comfortable than any other airline, serve good food and drink.... I flew SAA to Hong Kong (some time ago) and enjoyed the flight. Make sure they give you a blanket, snuggle down, and get some sleep. It might be a good idea to buy an inflatable neck-supporting pillow (some are better than others), and to request a window seat so that you don't have people clammering over you.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Bring some food and drink with you in case the airline runs out of food.

    Bring walkman or mp3 player.

    All the best

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think you have been given good advice. Ssssuuuccckks alright.

    Make sure you have plenty of things to eat with you. And to drink as well.

    Bring a book, or get some sleep.

    Cheers from DOWNUNDER

    Quelle(n): Been there, done that
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