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What do you think about going on holiday without your boyfriend - ok or not ok?


together 1 1/2 year.

Around 30 years.

He do not like it when i want to sleep somewhere else. A night or a weekend or a holiday.

He thinks it is not necessary to spent a night somewhere else, not even with family or close friends.

I miss it a lot.

I love to spent time with him, but i miss it to have the oppertunity to plan trips with close friends and familys without him.

Update 2:

that´s what i try to tell him, but he do not understand it. It is simply not necessary for him.

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    its fine go for it...everyone needs a lil ME time

    p.s make sure u make him understand abt your need for 'me time' nd do discuss plans abt ur holiday

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    He sounds like an insecure control freak! You had better grow some kahunas and not let him dictate to you who you see, where you go and what you do! Once you give him that control, it's game over for you! I understand that you want to keep him happy, but at the expense of your happiness? Which is just as important as his honey!!~ You go on your holiday and you do what you want! Do not let him stop you...if he wants to up and leave cuz he thinks or says that "you don't love him anymore" my advice to you is....HAND HIM A BOX OF TISSUES AND SHOW HIM THE DOOR....he'll see that he can't control you and have a bit more respect for you...if he acts like a spoiled brat that didn't get his way and either stays to make your life miserable by throwing your new found independance in your face or takes off cuz he didn't get his way....YOU DON'T NEED THAT KIND OF AGGRIVATION....LET HIM LEAVE!!! Plenty more of him where he came from believe me!!

    Quelle(n): I am a 40yr old single parent of 2 (21 and 15) all my life i have been living to make my controlling boyfriends happy...untill i myself was so very depressed and unhappy myself...beaten down, no identity of my own...not a good place to be....your self esteem suffers for it...i now like myself and have my own identity! I no longer need a man to validate who i am. I don't hate men...just controlling men....
  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    perfectly fine as long as you explain that this is just something that you miss doing with friends and that it has nothing to do with being uphappy in the relationship

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think it's fine. Sounds to me he likes to control you.

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