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What style of cardigan/wrap goes with this dress?

I have this dress:

I want to know what style of cardigan goes with this style of dress - pictures would be helpful

2 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort


    Rather than a cardigan or a sweater that would cover most of the upper part of your dress breaking the line and the overall look of your dress I would go for a black shrung, in other terms a sweater that covers mostly only your arms.

    You can find them with short or long leaves an offer different material. In my source I linked you a picture of them to show what I mean.

    Also looking at the dress I could not think something like: what about the bag for it?

    If you need to get one I would go for a very small classy handbag like the ones of Kotur used also in Gossi Girl (if you You want a linked you an article talking about them!)


  • vor 5 Jahren

    Nothing. Nothing goes with this dress.

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