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Lv 7
? fragte in PetsCats · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Does your cat enjoy being massaged?

My male cat loves being massaged, especially the technigue where you pat the body with cupped hands. He loves this so much he comes and demands to be massaged and if I try to ignore him he gets quite forceful. During the massage he rolls around so that the whole of his body is treated, including his belly. The harder I do it the better he likes it and I have to say his coat is benefiting from it as it is really soft and silky and we have only been doing this for a few weeks. Does any one else have a cat that likes to be massaged like this - especially quite roughly?

Btw - his sister from the same litter can take it or leave it and generally leaves it!


Supplementary question then - how did you find out your cat liked massage and what started you massaging your cat? In my case it was a book given to me by a friend.

Update 2:

I'm so glad its not just me and its good to see so many people who look after their pets so well

8 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Yes, he loves it. He tries to grab me if I stop doing it.

    He won't let me touch his belly though ...

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I have two female cats and both of them *love* being massaged! When I would tell people this, they looked at me like I was crazy.. It's good to know I'm not the only person massaging my cats!

    I think out of my two cats, the one who benefits from it the most is my oldest cat, Chaos.. Who is a bit spastic (that's an understatement). She's easily over-stressed, tense all the time and can never relax. She's one of those cats that's on alert 24-7 and ready to run from anything that scares her. Which is Everything. She's easily startled and sometimes is even jumpy around me and I've had her for over 7 years! There's been times where she's been so stressed out, she actually starts losing her hair.

    When I massage her, she turns into a different cat. She calms down, relaxes and makes sure I massage her entire body. She especially loves when I rub her shoulders, around her neck and under her chin. She head-butts me when I stop, rolls around and even lets me rub her belly (and she's not the belly rubbing type at all!). I've been trying to do this with her at least once a day. For a few minutes a day, she gets to relax, which means the world to me because I know she's happy. I know how it feels to be stressed all the time and it's not fun... But she's a cat! And she's spoiled. Life should be good for her :P She should have no fear. I'm a slave to my cats, so if I have to massage her every day for the rest of my life to make her a happy little kitty then so be it :)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    My last cat who lived to be 15 years old loved the massage treatment,i discovered it by experimenting as one day she came home and lay on the settee,and i thought she looks tired and achy so i massaged her shoulders to de-stress her,and she purred and then rolled over as if to say"Do the rest of me"so i did,

    this then became a regular routine and helped strengthen our bond,i even done her face with my finger tips she just loved her chin done and would dribble with sheer bliss,and by the end of it she was asleep and woke up looking refreshed!,

    i agree their coat does seem glossy after it,mine was a fluffy cat and she was very shiny,but i must say i started giving the dog a massage too,and she would come running when i called out "Massage" at times i called out "Moosage"she would lay down at my feet holding up her legs ready for the massage,and she would love her thighs done roughly and would be fast asleep snoring at the end of it,

    now they know whats good do pets!

    Quelle(n): Experience.
  • chiara
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    My female cat does enjoy a massage - also quite roughly!

    If I get stressed I find massage work on her calms me down too.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    My cat loves to be massaged under the chin and on his fat cheeks, but anywhere else, it's when HE wants to be pet, not when I want to pet him lol

    Quelle(n): Mama to 1 year old Benny
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    my cat hates being massaged..

    one day i was gently rubbing his stomach and he jumped up on his hind legs, pulled out a tiny (yet proportionate) briefcase and tophat from under the couch and said "no, i shan't put up with this massagery any longer" and waddled out of the room,

    LOLjks he loves it :D

    Quelle(n): om nom nom cats
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yess ^^ my kitty loves it, right kitty! "meow meow MEEOW" yup she loves it :] except she bites me if i do it to hard

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    Quelle(n): MY CAT
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