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? fragte in Family & RelationshipsSingles & Dating · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

What does it mean if a girl doesn't show Interest after the first date?

The other day I met up with a girl I know from Elementary school. We went out to get some ice cream and she seemed really interested in me and was being really nice the whole time. I even managed to hold her hand while walking her back to her house. The date was 5 days ago and she isn't answering my texts and didn't seem very interested when I talked to her on facebook the day after new years eve (could have been from the lack of sleep from new years eve?). So now I'm wondering, is she just being a normal girl trying to not show interest or am I doing something wrong here?


Oh yeah one other thing: While we were out she was texting a couple times and didn't want me to read her texts. She would like turn away and hide her phone while answering to make 100% sure I wouldn't read them. Did she maybe text her best friend or something for advice, or is it normal for girls to do that?

Update 2:

@ Angelica: Not very easy meeting up with her a lot because she lives half an hour from my house away...

14 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    go with your gut----u have been making an effort-----let it just kinda be for now----wait for her to come to you once in awhile-----why cant a guy play hard to get too??

    Quelle(n): no matter what u do----if u two are meant to share something together--u will----------------------if u two arent meant to share something together----no matter what u do---u wont
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    clearly not interested.. if she was she wouldnt text on the date and also if she did text she would share what texts she was recieving.. especially if she was playing mind games.. like she'd say my gf wants to know how the date is going and then not tell you what she said just to make you wonder :) ... but then to ignore you afterwards? She's not into you clearly because an interested girl would get all excited that you contacted her and she'd message you back but play it cool while talking as if she was so calm and collective when really she wanted to scream loud for no reason other than just because she's happy :) ... SORRY! Goodluck on the next one

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    She might not be interested as of now, but if you keep in good contact of her and and show mild signs that you care about her, she might fall for you. If she didn't hesitate when holding your hand the other day, then that means that she probably not interested in any other guys either, so go for it! Spend as much time as possible with her- take her out to the movies, walk her home, talk with her in the hall etc. etc. Good luck!

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    The first thing to do is to let all your emotions out. Surely, if you want to get your ex-girl or boyfriend back, he or she means a lot to you then you must love her/him, very much, so you are hurt badly. Well, shout let it all out! Do not be afraid to cry if I want to. Perhaps you want to have a smoke or a drink even if you never did before? Well, it won't do you any harm. Just don't fall into hard drinking, because that way you will never have a chance to get your ex back.

    If you wish to visit to know more about..(Getting Back With Your Ex) you can do that here

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    not in my world but i don't play mind games. let it go for now you've sent texts and messages letting her know that you are and if she doesn't respond shes not worth the time wasted. as far as the texting, one no you shouldn't be reading her text messages at this point but, more importantly in my opinion she shouldn't be texting while on a date if that's what it was, it's rude

  • Anonym
    vor 6 Jahren

    My ex didn't answer my calls, emails and texts. But Now, I have gotten positive responses on both texts i have sent! I’ve been using the TXB system for about a week now.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I think your doing everything right. Your texting and keeping in contact with her, so dont worry about that. As for the other part, it really depends on the girl. Ask her out again and she how she reacts and what she says, then it should be pretty evident. Good Luck! ~Tess

  • P-I-E
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    she's playing mind games don't fall for them if you do want to keep on going u play them on her!! text her and when she does answer then pretend you show no interest

  • vor 6 Jahren

    Texting lets you build intimacy, attraction, and desire on your own times and by “remote control.” You and your ex are both

    busy people (especially if you have careers, dogs, kids, video game

    addictions . . . you know, important stuff to deal with). With texting,

    you can establish attraction and create your new relationship

    on your own time frame. And you are creating a NEW relationship.

    Go to :

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    She probably isnt interested, your not doing anything wrong but if she was texting and was making sure you werent looking then she was probably talking about the date.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    im a girl too, so i know how shes acting.

    ur doing ur part (and most important one too) of the share. but if she doesnt wanna do her part (aka if shes not interesting) then im sorry budd :(

    try talking to her IN PERSON and ask if you wanna hang out. good luck xx

    Quelle(n): me
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