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Getting married to the same person in church?

I need some legal advice on getting married in the States, even though we are already married.

I know it sounds crazy, but here's the story.

My husband and I got married 5 years ago, it was simply a state wedding in Germany, because I am German. Thing is, that we celebrated only with my family, keeping in mind that we wanted to have a church wedding in the States for his family, since it would have been way to expensive to fly all of them to Germany.

It kind of didn't work out due to money issues and pregnancy, so we are still sitting on that part. Since I always wanted to have a "dream" wedding, and I never really had one, and we love each other just the way we did 5 years ago, we wanted to get married again. I'm not sure what it is called in English, I think revowle or revoul or something.

The State would be Wisconsin. I'm not sure if its possible, or only the "celebrities" do it, but I think its a nice anniversary gift to ourselves and it would make his family happy....

Any suggestions?

6 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Weddings are for brides, not for married women.

  • This is not an unusual idea at all. You would have a vow renewal and blessing at the church. If the church part it important to you or your husband or his folks, by all means, do it. You can wear a white gown, but don't wear a veil. It is fine to wear a tiara, flowers or other jewelry in your hair. You carry a bouquet and your children can be in the vow renewal party if they are old enough. Have this event at the family church - perhaps on a Friday afternoon. Hire a photographer or have a family member take photos. Limit your guests to his family and a few friends at most. Follow the vow renewal with either a cake and punch reception in the church hall or a nice dinner at a restaurant. You may have a wedding cake, if you choose.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You can't get married to someone who is already your husband, so a wedding isn't possible, and an attempt to recreate one is a terrible idea. However, there's no reason you couldn't do a vow renewal. This doesn't bear any resemblance to a wedding, and is a much simpler ceremony where you write new vows reflecting the past 5 years and what you want to say to each other about the future. Then just have a party afterwards at your home.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You have what is called a renewal of your vows since you are already married. It can be as elaborate or as simple as you want to make it but I suggest simple for the church part and throw an all out reception afterward for your family and friends who did not make the first one. Best wishes!

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's called renewing your vows. Many people opt to do so after many years of marriage (20 or so), but since you never had a wedding in the first place I think people will understand. Have fun!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Alle Religionen sind Lügen um den Menschen in Zaum und unterdrückt zu halten für was Kirche für was einen Oberdiktator? Damit bildest du Allianz mit dem Bösen für was? damit du deinen "Dream" hast? werd erwachsen. Wenn Du feiern willst dann feier die Kirche brauchst du dafür nicht.

    Quelle(n): Religion = ▄▄█▀▀ █▬█ █ ▀█▀
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