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CHEMISTRY HELP: Naming Compounds?

I've missed a couple days of school and was wondering if someone could help me fill in my notes to memorize because my test is tomorrow!! And maybe help explain some of this? Like how to name covalent and ionic differently?














And the formula for this and explain how to make it:

Trisulfur monoxide:

Thanks for all answers in advance (:

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Tri = 3

    Di = 2

    Mono = 1

    trisulfur monoxide => S3O (three sulfur, one oxygen)

    In general, you put the positive item first, the negative second. The second item gets "ide" as a suffix when it's alone, "ate" if oxygen is hanging on (this makes one kind of radical).

    The simple cases are first:

    hydrogen fluoride and potassium iodide.

    The third one has a sulfur-oxygen radical, making it

    dihydrogen sulfate

    If there's only one way to balance the molecule, you don't have to add the tri/di/mono prefix. For instance, Ba3(PO4)2 can simply be called

    barium phosphate

    rather than

    tribarium diphosphate

    Do these get you going? try the others on your own, just for practice.

  • philo
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    lithium carbonate... maximum compounds will obtain the least perplexing if properly understand so a techniques as no longer complicated. Potassium dichromate.. ammonium nitrite because it has 2 and not 3 Oxygen atoms, which the O3 may well be the nitrate. PF3 is a toxic gas and may well be referred to as Phosphorus tri-flourine. It has 2 different names.. it truly is only too undesirable chemists might desire to understand the subject-loose names because it truly is a burden for all. for sure, then we get into the business for the Pharmacopia names and then have them to handle.. Earl

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