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BigRichGuy fragte in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Could it be that I'm the smartest person on the planet with all the answers to everything?

I've found, over the past few days, that I've been blocked from viewing the questions of several individuals. I don't really even know what I've done to offend them but it seems from the questions I've tried to view that these people have political viewpoints contrary to mine. Therefore, I'm posting this question and I will only allow people that completely agree with me to respond. I just can't stand to hear a viewpoint other than my own. So, if you don't agree with my premise, please block yourself from my questions.


Andrew, you seem like an intelligent fellow, yourself. I would guess you know the value of a good breakfast and yet have little time to eat because you are rushing to get important things done. So, I'm guessing: A Blueberry Pop Tart, orange juice and a cup of coffee. Then out the door.

Update 2:

Jason, I'm not blocking anybody. I want them to block themselves so I don't have to deal with conflicting opinions. I don't have to time to block them all.

Update 3:

Stay Thirsty, I think I'm the most intelligent, not the most interesting. I'm not in competition with you so you can agree without hurting your own status.

Update 4:

I don't know Max. You agreed with my premise, but then kind of disagreed with the substance of it. What to do? What to do? Okay. Thumbs up, but watch it in the future.

Update 5:

Darn it. I just found that I have to admit I'm wrong. I could have sworn that Riot 106 answered this question under the name of Andrew. I don't know how he changed or how I made the mistake of thinking it was Andrew in the first place. I don't know the answer (I have an idea, but that's not good enough) just as I didn't know what he had for breakfast and now I have to block myself from all my own questions. Man, this stinks. Riot 106 (Andrew?) -- Best Answer.

Update 6:

MCB. Uh uh uhhhh. You're not agreeing with me. I don't like that. You got lucky, though, because I already disagreed with myself before I saw your answer. Amnestry granted.

10 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    What did I have for breakfast this morning?

  • ?
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    you have hit on an common yet undeniable certainty that many others, probably which includes your self, could care to no longer understand. In Genesis, you will desire to comprehend 'why' Eve took from the Tree of expertise. The Serpent informed her that it may make her in basic terms like God. As some answerers have reported, Greed. The Serpent tempted Eve to desire greater desirable than God on my own would desire to, and grew to become into, completely able to giving to her and her mate Adam. Many (ok...maximum) human beings are like this right this moment. they're too reliable to desire God or they desire to be God like. The Tree of expertise grew to become into forbidden because of the fact God knew, even in the commencing up of mankind, that too plenty expertise could be our downfall. earlier paying for this expertise, mankind grew to become into harmless and appropriate, which you will desire to positioned it bluntly, wanting to be a 'comprehend all of it' grew to become right into a sin. quite of accepting God via faith, mankind is going and keeps blundering issues up. subsequently the only thank you to 'restoration' the understanding errors is to get greater expertise. for that reason a vicious circle that's unbreakable. i comprehend this sounds like an off the wall way of thinking approximately expertise and how damaging that's. yet yet another answerer did state that "lack of expertise is Bliss" and that's! right this moment human beings are attempting to out think of one yet another and not many take something at face fee, much less on faith on my own.

  • MCBfwb
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If you were the smartest person in the world, you wouldn't be wasting your time on YA, and therefore would never have been blocked in the first place.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Obviously you've pissed someone off by your response which I think is is funny... Some people on here can dish it out but cant take it...Ive been blocked by that one that has multiple accts.. but he blocked me because he didn't like my answer... He uses so many names but it was something za za *L*.... Oh well... Im not crying over it *L*...

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  • ?
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    So wait...does that mean that you'll block every user that doesn't post in this question to agree with you?

    Or just the ones who do answer but don't agree?

    I'm confused.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It's pretty lame when you get blocked for questions you ASK, as has happened to me several times.

    Quelle(n): For fricks sake, man up and make your argument, don't block people guys.
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This is most certainly NOT a place for serious discussion - so, I wouldn't be worried about it.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    it's possible... I guess?

    that's probably why they blocked you... just "jealous"... lol

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    It could be but probably isn't.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


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