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Public opinion on Immigration?

I am doing a presentation on Immigration in the US (I'm from Germany). I am trying to find the public opinion of Americans concerning Immigration/Illegal immigration/Mexican immigration. Yes, I googled, and yes I saw the part in Wikipedia, but I don't need just polls or offdated statistics. I need opinions.. Anybody got a good website for me?

Thanks a lot.

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Early on, the illegal aliens and their supporters wanted to know how we knew such and such was correct. We used polls to point to the idea that we did not want illegal aliens in this country, but that initial contact lead to the development of statistics and reports that were based on factual information. One of the very best 'opinion' places on this issue is right here. Factual reports would be found in editorials at and

    If you can get into the Washington Post and do a search.. and it is of the Post articles, for immigration editorials, you will hit a small bonanza. Do a search also for simple immigration and when you find they are pro immigration, you will discover the are decidedly nothing but opinion.

    Go to a search engine and ask for catholic illegal aliens.

    Go to and ask for editorials illegal immigration

    Ask also for catholic illegal immigration.

    The web site at La Raza offers tons of many opinions, but if they offer statistical evidence, you must check that source for credence. It is lacking in a great deal that is shown. The Catholic Church creates the sites and asks a dozen people if the illegal aliens should be granted amnesty, and the Catholic Church tells everyone, via this bogus web site, that polls indicate the U.S. wants the illegal aliens granted amnesty. The Pew Hispanic Center did exactly that with 198 people polled.

    On and on. Good luck.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Illegal Immigration from Mexico is detrimental to our society. Our borders need to be tightly secured to ensure a strict and efficient immigration system.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are more detailed polls.

    I am against illegal immigration

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