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why wasn't i good enough ?

Love hurts... if you trust people and they betray you everytime you turn your back on them.

If you love someone and they keep telling you , that he/she loves you.. your starting to believe them.why would they want to hurt you so bad ? they say they care about you , when you know they don't. they text you.. when you text them first. why does love hurt ? i've been cheated on before they tell you they still love you but somehow ... you don't believe them anymore ?! and they tell you they went back to their first girlfriend. why ?!! ... if you gave them soooo much love they ever wanted... why wasn't it good enough... why? i don't understand.. i wish i was .....T.T not here... i need help..please someone help me thank you..

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I m sorry for your experience.. Maybe you 2 where just not made for each other, maybe he thinks different about a relationship... or he just didnt really care..

    Sometimes it just happens that you love some one but this person doesnt love you. But this person doesnt want to hurt you so they also say "i love you" but in the end it will be worse...

    You maybe should try to make some changes... move to some other place, meet other people..

    I know that it hurt, but it will heal.. and one day you will find "Mr. Right"

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I feel really sorry for you. When I read your text my first thought was: "You're talking about my last boyfriend."

    In my opinion it's not always a good idea to do everything for someone, to give him everything you have, because there are people who tend to take and take and take and never give something back. They take it for granted that you are there for them, so they don't feel the necessity to contribute anything to the relationship.

    In future relationships it might help you to learn how to say no. You shouldn't always be available, you simply shouldn't do everything, especially if you're not feeling well doing it. You will be much more interesting and desirable if you also pay attention to your own needs and wishes instead of making more and more sacrifices for someone who doesn't honor it and leaves you when he has taken everything you had to offer.

    Good luck! =)

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