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Any Russian/ Czech speakers?
I got a message from someone saying:
Íèêîãî íå óçíàåøü íà ôîòî?)
Anyway, I have no Idea what it means and I know it's not Russian, but the person writing to me is from the Czech Republic and also sends me some messages in Russian (he doesn't speak English, so I can't really ask him, as my Russian is not exactly fantastic).
I can't find any translation for it anywhere and just in case it's incredibly rude, I'm not going to ask my fathers best friend, who is Czech.
thanks already
1 Antwort
- vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
It's russian but in wrong encoding.
The message is: Никого не узнаешь на фото?)
It means: Do you recognize somebody on this photo?
Universal Cyrillic decoder: