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Albina fragte in Schule & BildungSchule · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

englischer text auf fehler korriegieren?? wichtig!?

hii könnte mir jemand diesen text richtig korrigieren? aber wirklich nur die leute die es wirklich drauf haben ja :D ist wichtig :)

i would talk about australian. in australian live 19 Mio person. 85% of them live along the south-east cost. the capital of australian is canberra, but the biggest city are sydney. the sort of money are australian doller. cathy freeman was the first native people who won a gold medal at the olympic games in 2000. she was very proud of it. alot of children visit the school of the air . here the children learn with the distance learning. moreover there are live a lot of animal. in the oceans for example a lot of sharks including the biggest shark in the world, crocodiles and jellyfish.

on the country live kangaroos, snkaes, koala, bouquet wombat and a lot of another animals, a major theme in australian are the aboriginal. the aboriginal are the native people of australian. in the past the aboriginal hunted and kills like animals. the withe don´t like this generation. really bad was that the children wre took away from her familys into a house who live just aboriginal. today the aboriginal have the political the same rights ,but they´re still discovered from the company. and they live mostly in slums. the culture are (einzigartig??) . they have ceremonies and they dancing /singig and pianted faces and bodys . the oldest instrument of the world are didgeridoo. it is the sound of australia. all in all australia are a big country and have a lot of specials sites on yourself.

WOOW wenn ihr mir das korrigieret ich wäre UNDENDLICH DANKBAR!!!

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Da gibts ne ganze Menge an Zeug, das du so nicht stehen lassen kannst :-( Ich würds mal so probieren (ich korrigiere nur dein Geschriebenes, nicht den Inhalt, und wenn ich was übersehe möge man es mir verzeihen, es ist nämlich recht viel :-))

    I would like to talk about Australia. The present population of Australia is a little over 19 million. 85% of the inhabitants live along the south-east cost. The capital of Australia is Canberra, but the biggest city is Sydney. The national currency is the Australian dollar. Cathy Freeman was the first native person who won a gold medal at the Olympic Games in 2000. She was very proud of it. A lot of children attend the School of the Air, which is an institute of distance learning. Moreover, lots of animals live there. In the ocean for example, you can find a lot of sharks, including the biggest shark in the world, crocodiles and jellyfish.

    Upcountry, there are kangaroos, snkaes, koalas, bouquet wombats and a lot of another animals. A major theme of the Australian culture are the Aborigines. They are the indigenous people of Australia. In the past, the Aborigines hunted and killed like animals. The Whites didn't like this generation. A really bad aspect was that the children were taken away from their families and brought into a house where they were forced to work as domestic servants. Today, the Aborignies have the same political rights, but they´re still discovered (wirklich discovered?? entdeckt??) from the company. And they mostly live in slums. Their culture is unique. They have ceremonies and they dance /sing and paint their faces and bodies . The world's oldest musical instrument is the didgeridoo. It is the sound of Australia. All in all, Australia is a big country and people are magically attracted to it.

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