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Suicide642 fragte in Games & RecreationCard Games · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

do you think online poker is a set-up?

ive been playing poker ( texas hold 'em) for years and i know what a bad beat is but to have a bad beat at the rate ive seen me is nearly impossible

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Consider the fact that at a live table, you're likely to have maybe 20 hands an hour, tops (maybe a bit more at a table with an autoshuffler). Online, you can easily see twice that even without multitabling. In addition, online you can have microstakes or freerolls where donks are likely to stay in with trash, increasing the probability of suckouts on the river.

    Bad beats happen..they just happen more often online due to more hands and lousier players.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    Imagine this bad beat, someone has pocket 9-9, some fish stays in with 10-4. Then a flop of 10-10-4. The turn is a 9, and all the chips go in, and the river is a 9 giving the guy 4 of a kind. Insane.

    That was live, by the way.

    If you don't think it's legit, then don't play.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Why do you think that.

    No online poker is not a setup. It is similar to the poker game that you play on a land based casino. Just the difference is that here in online casinos you are playing on a computer and betting with your mouse and keyboard, rather than playing by live cards. Else is same.

    Yes there could be the possibility that you have been encountered by a scam site. So be aware of the scam sites, play on the top sites like for poker you can play on FullTilt and PokerStars.

    Quelle(n): Read a review of above mentioned poker rooms at
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