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What's the best router brand (and model) to use with a cable internet connection?

We just switched ISP to Videotron (high speed internet, 7.5 Mbps download speed) and it works great on our desktop but now I'd like to connect with my laptop also and wondering what's the best (fastest) router brand/model I could buy here in Quebec (e.g. at Best Buy, Future Shop or Microbytes). I need to buy a new router because we lost the box (and password!) on the D-Link router we had before when we has DSL service from Bell. (We tried resetting it by pressing the little reset button in the back for over 30 seconds but it didn't work.. or we just didn't do it properly... I'm not tech-savy at all, as I'm sure you've figured out.. No big loss on that router though, we used to have to restart it very often back with the DSL so I don't think it was good anyhow.)

Your advice to answer my original question would be much appreciated it. Thank you in advance!

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