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What do I do to make this work?
What would I need to do to hook up a sub and an amp
3 Antworten
- vor 1 JahrzehntBeste Antwort
well most auto shops, autobarn supercheap auto etc if ya like in aus will have wiring kits which should have all the wiring you need and youll also need
wire strippers
soldering iron with solder
electrical tape
youll also need watever tools you need to get your centre console and **** out the get to the back of your head unit
a drill couldnt hurt either to speed everything up :)
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
its easy get some 8 gague wire hook the hot wire up to the battery wittch is the postive side hook that to the postive side of the amp make sre u hava inline fuse for protection take antoher 8 gage cable hook up the ground and u can grond that to the body of your vehicle like a seat or something now take a think cable and hook the remote up its blue some color vairs by model hook that to a power suppley this turn on when u switch your key to on posion make sure your ccd player have rca jacks hook that to the the amp via rca cables now hook the sub up and u r ready to boom
- Anonymvor 1 Jahrzehnt
even wal-mart has amp kits but you always get what you pay for