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Do you get tattoo envy?

I am pretty heavily tattooed but when I see someone with even more tattoos than me I always think to myself "I wish I had as many tattoos as that guy". Do you get this feeling ever?

15 Antworten

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    Never, ever.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes I do. But I don't have any tattoos. I have my reasons but I wont get into that. LOL. But every time I see someone with any tattoos, I think “I wish I had just one tattoo..”

    I've actually wanted to get a tattoo since I was a really young child. I don't remember exactly how old, but as far back as I remember, I've wanted one. I remember getting those fake rub on tattoos. My parents would only let me wear one at a time and eventually stopped buying them for me all together. Apparently they didn't approve of their child covered in tattoos. Even if they were fake.

    Though I always thought, if I ever got a real tattoo, it would have to have some special meaning. And nothing has ever been important enough to me to ever get a tattoo for it. Until about 3 years ago when I discovered the show Doctor Who!! Now I can honestly say, if I ever get a tattoo, it's got to be Doctor Who related. Maybe the Seal of Rassilon. That would make an awesome tattoo!

    Anyway, sorry for the ramble, monkeyman... But I think I had a point in there somewhere... at least... I intended to have a point in there... I think it got away from me... or I got away from it.... Hmm... I think my point was, I've put a lot of thought into getting a tattoo, but I haven't actually been able to for various reasons. So yes, I do get tattoo envy. I'm envious of everyone who has even just one little tattoo.

  • All the time. I am not heavily tattooed but that is 100% money related. If I was rich I would be covered from head to toe. I have about 12 tattoos some big some small but I always want more, always.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Basically always, lol. I plan on covering a large majority of my body in tattoos throughout my life, and right now it's a monetary and familial/residential problem for me to get them so it's super disappointing. I'm such a jealous person that when I see someone with a really cool tattoo, I'm like, "I should be getting a tattoo right now!" I recently went with my boyfriend to get a tattoo, and I had to sit there for hours watching him being tattooed, feeling jealous the entire time, lol. I'm glad that other people feel this sick twist of jealousy like I do! Ha.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I'm not heavily tattoo but I do get envious when I see a person with a tattoo that I wish I could afford to get.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt


    Lol, you think you have it bad...I am a tattoo artist. Do you have any idea how much I just want to cry when I have a client who has more than me (>_<) it's a bloody nightmare lol.

    I wouldn't necessarily call it envy though, as I take a long time to design and draw up mine and my client's tattoos (I'm also quite heavily tattooed, but have two very large pieces which I just haven't had time to have done and it's killing me)!! However, essentially, when my clients walk around covered in ink that I've done, they're representing me as well, so it's not too bad, but I've had my moments when I just think, I want to be my client right now :)

    Thanks for the question, I guess we'll just have to keep inking until we get there huh?! (^_^)

    Quelle(n): Tattoo Artist ~
  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Typically I get jealous when I see a really nice sleeve or whenever I go with my wife when she's getting something new and I'm not. The smell and the sound make me want to get something right away, but I'm learning to be good, wait until I have the money for a bigger piece, coherence across my body, that's what I'm going for, if I gave in every time I felt jealous it'd just look ugly.

  • no, because the tattoos i'm getting are personal, and not just for show. it's not a competition to me. i have the means, but i don't want to be completely covered. i have a certain number i want, and someone having more tattoos doesn't bother me, because i don't want a lot, i only want certain ones.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    No not really. Most people have tattoos of the same old boring regurgitated bull on their bodies. Really not impressed in the least. In fact, it's depressing to see they spent money to looks LESS like an individual.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Uuuugh always. Also solely a money issue for me. I'd be walking down the street with a tank and shorts, showing off my tatts and feeling fantastic about them cause I have so many... then some chick comes along with about double the amount as me and they look fantastic. Jealousy!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    currently, I have none, though I do plan to change that. If anything, I suffer more from "Tattoo Awe". I personally think they're fantastic works of art, and I always ask two questions to the person who has them "How much did it cost you?" and "Where did you get it done?"

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