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ebay question regarding paying and selling using paypal?

A friend of mine is selling something for me on ebay. Now, can he transfer the money he gets to my paypal from his even if i don't have a debit card or bank account associated with my paypal account? Also, if i were to get money in my paypal account, can that function as sort of "credit", whereas i can use that credit to pay other people through paypal.

3 Antworten

  • Min
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Yes yr friend can transfer fr his Pay Pal acct to yours & you can add funds fr yr bank acct to Pay Pal no problems. Just follow the instuctions.

    Quelle(n): Regular eBayer
  • vor 4 Jahren

    PayPal and Ebay are an same corporation so when you're receiving money for an public sale with the help of PayPal log in and also you should settle on in case you both want to move the money for your economic corporation costs (reductions or checking) or they are going to deliver you a debit card you should use which will be funded with the help of your PayPal account or you should apply the money to purchase ingredient on web content that settle for PayPal. on the corporation account No you do not might want to be sure an organization account to receive money for this one purchase. desire this enables and strong success!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    He would send it to your pay pal by using your E mail thats site up with your pay pal account.Than you can send it in a check form to yourself or buy something on Ebay or send it to someone else using their Email address.Good Luck

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