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Why does my laptop now refuse to connect to my wireless Fios?

Dell laptop stopped linking to wireless Verizon Fios last night. The wireless card still works (I linked to an 'unlocked' wireless network nearby), but refuses to link to MY wireless. Nothing has changed that I know of, I'm still within the range of my system. It SEES the network; it simply will not LINK to it. I've tried setting the computer back to an earlier 'system restore' point. No luck. I've scanned with McAfee and MalwareBytes; no malware, virus, etc. Anybody have ANY bright ideas? My on-call techie is off this weekend and I need to USE my laptop! Thanks!

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    reset the modem./router then computer. its that or you didnt pay the bill

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    have you ever tried having access to on your router. Get the computing device mac handle. flow to the command on the spot on your computing device. start up then style in command on the spot and it will look and style this command in ipconfig /all it quite is going to look a large style of stuff however the only you like is actual handle and then attempt it. once you seek for the instant router on the computing device and attempt to connect it, it quite is going to ask for the wep key for it. what router are you presently making use of?

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