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Some questions about studying in Scotland?

I've got a friend who studies in Aberdeen and she couldn't help me with a few questions I have. First of all, I'm German, have just finished school (Abitur equivalent to A-Levels) and will start studying political studies at a german distance university soon. The subject I decided to study is divided into three parts: orientation, basics and consolidation (i hope that word makes sense in this context). I will have finished the orientation phase in a year.

This friend of mine told me that she doesn't have to pay fees at the university as the Scottish government pays it for Scottish and non-UK EU students. My question in this context is do they only pay for it till you get your Bachelor or further? I was thinking maybe I could finish the B.A. here and study there later?

If not, is there a possiblity to start studying there next year and use the modules I've done before? (It's an officially recognized university, just as every other brick and mortar university.)

Does it even make sense?

Besides, do you get student jobs easily there?

I hope someone can help me. And yeah, I guess it's a little bit late to start thinking about it but I actually had other plans which didn't work out.


A B.A. at that distance university I'm at currently would take me 2-3 years (it depends on how fast you get through your modules and I am pretty fast). I wonder if it is possible to swap universities within this time. Completely, not just for a semester or two.

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Visit Student Buddies! They are a site that has articles and advice on scottish universities - they can probably help you best!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    They will pay for your first undergraduate degree over here, but not a post graduate degree like a master. So you would only get to do another BA, which I think is a bit of a waste of time. You will be 4 years older than all the other students and not have better qualifications.

    And yes it is difficult to find graduate jobs over here. I think the situation in Germany is a lot better.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    in case you haven't any longer have been given any questions why did you ask to get closer him? My theory is which you cancel the assembly, ultimately what's the reason, you haven't any longer have been given any questions and it isn't any longer necessary so as which you would be able to flow examine in Scotland which you ask some for the sake of asking some. further information: have been given it. i could initiate with a great huge-unfold questions corresponding to what did he sense of his rejoice with, what took him to Scotland to examine, did some ingredient marvel him, some ingredient he did no longer anticipate. i could ask if there are any communities out of your united states of america there, if he had seize 22 subject adjusting, what he did there for entertainment, were procedures of training incredible and how.

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