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What to do with old leotards ?

My woman and I have discarded recently a lot of leotards which we do not need any more.

Actually, they are still easy too well around them to throw away or to cut cleaning cloth of it, nevertheless, we do not need these leotards now really any more and would make with pleasure something other, pretty from it or allow to make.

Besides, it concerns mostly long-armed leotards from velour velvet partly with rather pretty patterns.

Who has an idea what one from such leotards can make?

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    If you used to dance together with them, I would frame them with pictures.

    If not, I would try selling them.

    If you really wanted to make something out of them, you could make a quilt. You can cut a lot of squares of them, and then sew them all back onto a blanket.

    You could make pillows.

    Not many options. I have seen people put decorations/cushions on the back of their kitchen chairs. Maybe make them into cushions for the back of them, it would add memorable decor.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    give them to your local dance studio or if you danced then the studio you went to. if they arent dancing leotards then sell them on ebay to make a quick few bucks

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    u cn mak somthin else out of them? or u cn try to sell them back?

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