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ROS fragte in Computers & InternetInternetMySpace · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

question about comments in the activity stream?

This is a two part question. How do you change it so that you don't see when people make new comments on someone's profile(this must be a new update) on your activity stream and change it to where people don't see when you make new comments on their activity stream?

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Why are so many comments from friends appearing in my Stream?MySpace is a great place for sharing and expressing yourself. When public comments are added to your friend’s profiles, you can now see them directly in your stream. Sharing comments in the stream, a great new way to discover what’s happening on MySpace.

    If you don’t want to have your public comments on one profile appear in the streams of all of your friends, or see the public comments of all your friends in the stream, here’s what you do: View All (located on the bottom of the stream on your homepage) Preferences to change the settings on updating you when your friends make a new comment (or other activities, of course)

    3.or select Privacy Setting to change the settings on when you make a post

    4.deselect Post Comments on a Profile Save

    Important stuff to know:

    •this update only applies to comments to and from public profiles

    •you could always see these comments in MySpace before by visiting your friends’ profiles, the only difference now is that we are pulling them all together for you

    •you can come back and modify the settings on the Preferences or Privacy Settings pages any time you like

    If you want to provide feedback or have any additional questions, please contact us.

    To contact MySpace about public comments in your stream, here’s what you do: Contact MySpace (on the right) Home as the Category Stream as the sub-topic

    4.fill in the subject and question fields Next Send My Message

    If you have any questions, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you are just providing feedback, we’ll get it to the right folks—and thanks for taking the time to let us know what you think!

    Date Updated: 07/20/2010 10:37 AM

  • vor 4 Jahren

    make your profile right right into a 2.0 proflie the bypass to customize profile from the tab profile it is on the ingredient of the tab dwelling house. the press modules and then click on comments and it will dissapear

  • vor 6 Jahren

    challenging stuff. lookup over the search engines. it could actually help!

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