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Does anyone HATE Xanga? Myspace? Facebook?

Seems to me that the slightest thing pisses everyone off. DRAMA. I understand if you don't agree with or dislike my opinions, that's fine. If I am an asshole, I am sorry. It's just a stupid blog, nothing more.

Imagine what would happen if Microsoft bought it, they would destroy it. I have no problem with facebook or lamespace but xanga can go screw itself. The only person I hate on facebook is the guy who created it.

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Xanga, my brother had one of those; I never paid attention to it nor do I know much about it other than it's purpose is blogging/social networking as the other two sites .

    MySpace is pretty dead, only 13 year old kids really pay attention to it anymore lol .

    (I remember the elementary school days when my friends would be like "Yo, [-insert name-], put me in your top eight !")

    Facebook is just fine for me . I mean drama exists anywhere and on any site, but it doesn't seem that bad anyways . There's always putting your profile on private . . . Facebook seems more "mature" like to me .

    Quelle(n): my friends who network
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