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Frage zu Final Fantasy X !!?

also, ich bin noch nicht sehr weit, nämlich da wo tidus, yuna, wakka, lulu und kimahri gerade mit einem schiff so eine insel verlassen. später taucht aufeinmal sin auf und greift das schiff an. ständig wirft es schuppenreste auf das schiff, es will einfach kein ende nehmen bin schon nahe der verzweiflung! mind. 20-mal hat sin die schuppenreste (immer 3 stück) schon nachgeworfen, iwann hab ich dann einfach die playstation ausgeschaltn. mach ich irgendeinen fehler? kämpfe mit lulu, wakka und yuna! bitte helft mir!!!

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Ist einfach.

    3 Schuppen tauchen immer auf wenn du immer die 3 vorher umgehauen hast.

    Daher 2 Schuppen umhauen und dann mit Wakka oder Lulu die Flosse von Sin treffen.

    Geht auch mit Yuna & Yalfaris wenn 3 Schuppen anwesend sind !

    Danach geht es Unterwasser weiter.

    Dort ist nochmal eine Schuppe; aber solo !

    Wobei dort nur Wakka & Tidus kämpfen können !

    Hau mit Wakka als 1. den Blind-Hieb & mit Tidus 1.Attake den *Anfeuern* raus.

    Dann einfach draufhauen.

    Wenn Sin wieder sehen kann wieder Blind-Hieb & Anfeuern.

    [ Ob erst Hieb oder Anfeuern ist egal; denn je nach dem wer eher an die Reihe ist ! ]

    Dann geht die Reise nach Kilika weiter !

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    ich hoffe du kannst Englisch

    This is the first boss battle where you have a party. The first part of

    this battle is basically a review of what you learned at Besaid. Attack

    a couple of Sinspawn with Tidus and Kimahri (switch them in if they

    aren't already), and you will realize you need to attack the fin

    itself. Make sure that Kimahri gets a hit in, so that he can gain

    experience. Every time three are killed, three more come, so kill two

    and leave the last one so that you're only hit by one Sinscale each

    turn (credit Split Infinity). Be warned that in this battle, Sin will

    move the boat and change the camera angle. For that reason, if you had

    to hit right to select a different enemy, you now may have to hit up.

    Don't accidentally attack yourself!

    Anyway, the fin is an enemy who is far away, so Tidus and Kimahri can't

    Attack him. You can do as the Sensor suggests, and have Wakka Attack

    and Lulu use Black Magic on Sin until it is defeated. You should do

    this at least once (give Lulu at least one turn so that they she gains

    experience). After that, at least Kimahri, Wakka, and Lulu should all

    have experience. However, instead of continuing to use the blitzball

    and use magic, I suggest having Yuna summon Valefor. Valefor will do

    about 200 damage each hit, and 1,000 points of damage with Energy Ray!

    Even if Valefor dies (which is okay, don't worry), make sure he uses an

    Energy Ray! Note that if you learned Energy Blast, you should use it

    instead. From now on, every time I say Ray and you have Blast, use


    Sinspawn Echuilles and Sinspawn, Sinspawn, Sinspawn, Sinspawn

    The second part of this battle takes place underwater. There is

    something very important to note about underwater battling. Only Tidus

    and Wakka can fight underwater, as they are blitzball players! Luckily,

    they both begin with full health. This means that you have a two-man

    party. Your opponents are four Sinspawn and a boss, Sinspawn Echuilles.

    You should not bother attacking the Sinspawn, as they will be replaced.

    However, if you're really worried about health, you can. Each Sinspawn

    attacks you for about 70 points of damage and is gone for a turn before

    being replaced. If you kill one, it must wait one turn to come back,

    and another turn to attack you, so you can keep the attacks away.

    I don't recommend this, however, because Sinspawn Echuilles is no easy

    foe. He generally uses Drain Touch, an attack that takes away your HP

    and gives it to him! So if he takes 50 away from you, he will gain 50.

    You can help prevent this, however. Have Wakka use his Skill, Dark

    Attack, on Sinspawn Echuilles. He will go into "BLIND STATUS", which

    means that he will miss a great deal of his attacks. That means that

    Drain Touch will miss, probably 90% of the time. Just make sure that

    when that dark cloud around him goes away (means he loses blind

    status), that you use Dark Attack again.

    There is one thing to be absolutely careful of. Sinspawn Echuilles has

    an attack called Blender, which does about 100 points of damage to each

    character. If there are four Sinspawn with a turn after this, this

    means that each character could lose around 240 HP, or one could lose

    380! For this reason, I am going to explain the "turn chart" for those

    who don't know. On the upper right, you will see a bunch of faces,

    including your characters and enemies. This is the order of turns. As

    you go from top to bottom, you see who will be going after whom. For

    that reason, make sure that all five enemies don't get turns all in a


    Split Infinity mentions that Blender is used every third turn by

    Sinspawn Echuilles, so you can know when you need to heal up.

    I'm making this out to be a lot harder than it really is, but the turn

    chart will come into play later, so it's important to take note of it.

    Anyway, cure with a Potion when your HP gets low, have Wakka use Dark

    Attack on Sinspawn Echuilles each time he does not have a dark cloud

    around him, and attack him for about 2,000 damage to win the battle.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    du musst schaden auf sin selbst machen irgendwann verschwindet er :)

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