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Need help with for_each in C++!?


I want to use for_each in C++

This works without for_each algo.

for (GardenPlan::iterator it = plan.begin(); it != plan.end() ; ++it ){



I've a vector with pointer of shapes. shape has this memberfuction void print(std::ostream &os) const;

I tried this piece of code, but i wont work:

for_each(plan.begin(), plan.end(), bind2nd(mem_fun(&Shape::print ) , os) );

thanks 4 help


btw os is cout.

Update 2:

problem is that it doesnt compile.

The pointer Typ is "std::tr1::shared_ptr<Shape>" .

2 Antworten

  • ?
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    mem_fun is not compatible with shared_ptr. Since you have TR1, use TR1:

    #include <tr1/memory>

    #include <tr1/functional>

    #include <algorithm>


         using namespace std::tr1::placeholders;

         for_each(plan.begin(), plan.end(),

             bind(&Shape::print, _1, std::tr1::ref(os)));

    incidentally, if your compiler is new enough, C++0x (in which std::bind2nd has been officially deprecated in favor of std::bind, by the way) can make it more readable with lambdas:

         for_each(plan.begin(), plan.end(),

             [&os](std::shared_ptr<Shape> p){ p->print(os); });

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    what exactly is the problem? is bind2nd not called?

    also print appears to be __thiscall so it needs a valid class pointer.

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