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Did you ever sneak out as a child?

If yes, how long did you stay out?

Why did you sneak out?

What happened when you came home? Did your parents catch you?

10 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Primarily when I was 12-14 I would wait on Friday nights for my parents to go to sleep; my Mom would go to bed, and my Dad would fall asleep in front of the TV.

    Then it would be time for a little late-night TV was the late 70's and my Dad was too cheap to get cable, so the channels we had were very limited.

    I would generally turn it on CBS, b/c they would start by airing reruns of Kolchak: The Night Stalker, a series about a reporter (Darren McGavin) who would investigate monsters, vampires, etc and it would later inspire the X-Files.

    After The Night Stalker, I would get a craving for some cold soda and candy, so I'd hop on my trusty 10-speed and head on down to our local Zippy Mart (less than a mile away).

    I'd pick up Rolo's, Chic-O-Sticks, Marathon Bars, Dorito's, Dolly Madison brown coconut gems (mini-donuts) and sodas (somtimes canned, other times in cold *glass* bottles).

    I'd complete my shopping selections by grabbing a comic book or two from the comic rack (usually Fantastic Four, the Avengers, Iron Man, etc) and the have the clerk ring up my purchase.

    I'd then head home and eat a little and wash it down with cold, bubbly, refreshing sodas while watching a scary movie on the CBS late show.

    The next day I'd be up to watch cartoons, and after a bowl of sugary cereal had digested, I'd have more candy to snack on while I read my comics.

    My parents never even noticed the snacks I had (perhaps they assumed I had gotten them at an earlier hour?) and I was only busted once.

    It was one of those Friday nights where for some reason my parents just would not go to bed!

    I was getting irritated at not being able to start my Friday-Night-Blowout by watching my late night tv shows, so I decided to just go ahead & sneak out my window and get my late-night Zippy-Mart shopping done with as I was bored out of my skull and wasn't about to go to bed.

    I rode my 10-speed through the freezing Jan/Feb air, smiling as I saw the bright lights of the Zippy Mart, and thought it was like an oasis in the desert!

    I was starting to choose my selections when a car drove up - it looked very familiar - and I noticed it was my Dad!

    This was unprecedented, as he usually never went to the Zippy Mart!

    There was no use hiding as my bike was right in front of the store, so I just waited for him to enter - and like an idiot asked him what he was doing there - naturally he asked me the same question!

    He let me put my bike in the trunk and we made the long 2-minute journey home.

    My Mom got all on my case about it, saying how dangerous it was to be out at that hour, etc, and not to do it again, and to get my butt to bed!

    I asked them how they knew I was even gone and she showed me - I had absentmindedly left my window OPEN in the middle of the winter, which proceeded to bring a noticable chill to the house.

    Needless to say, I was disappointed - I should've closed the darn window and they'd have been none the wiser, and I would've had my goodies and comics and, with a little more patience, I would've gotten my late-night Friday TV as well.

    Not that Friday night - my Mom was all wound up with what had happened and didn't fall asleep for a long time, so I had to listen to the TV on my clock-radio (the local CBS station broadcast on a frequency that could be picked up on the FM radio spectrum) but it just wasn't the same!

    I had often wished for one of those clock-radios that had a little B&W TV built into them just so I could be guaranteed to watch my late shows, but later I got my own little TV so I was happy with that setup - and sometimes my Mom would leave some Coke in the fridge so I would sneak a little of that, but from time to time I would still sneak out late on Friday nights to visit the Zippy Mart (and sometimes a little video arcade in this little tourist-trap shop near I-75 and still realatively close to our neighborhood) and to this day I have a love of going to convenience stores late at night (although my favorite one near me closes around a quarter-to-10).

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Twice, when I was about 12, because I thought I could get away with it - I'm a guy.

    To meet up with friends, but actually the friends were at home anyway and weren't allowed out themselves. So I wandered around for a bit, thinking I was cool, then got bored, then went home.

    Parents noticed both times - I think because it was very obvious I had left one of the doors unlocked so that I could get back in.

    Both times I got the belt in a big way when I got home, which meant after the second time I didn't ever do it again.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    Yeah lol, alot, from 10 to 15-16 ish

    I lived in an apartment with my mom, and my dad saw me every other weekend, my apt. was behind a long rectangular church then there was a house on the corner, the house belonged to a friend who was 17 and his sister who was 18, so it was inevitably a party house, and so in the summers id wake up, go to his house from like 11:00 am till 11 pm then come home cuz cerfew, then at 1 when my mom was passed out, id go back out till 530 am then get back before my mom got up at 6 for work then sleep till 11 and do it again, literally every night, got caught 2 times said i was just going for a walk but she didint like that

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I don't know if it counts but the only experience I had with that when I was a kid was when I was 15/16ish. I told my parents I was going to a friend down the streets house but me and the girl went to another friends house for some partying lol. parents never found out about it until I told them.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Hi I was not a young child i was around 14, and my parents never went out in the evening but one evening they went to a wedding and i really wanted to go out (it's a long time ago and then you were in by 21.30 and if you did not come in by that time you were grounded). I wanted to hang around with my friends.. So i got my younger sister, and our little puppy and off we went, we had a lovely evening my little sister was thrilled to be sneaking out and my group of friends were lovely with her, and of course our puppy was made a big fuss of. My parents never found out about it, eventually i did tell them and they laughed because they knew i was a sensible teenager.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Yes. Many times.

  • Rrr
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Yes, but only to go for walks. I never got caught but I'm sure it would have been no trouble if I had.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Nope. Because I didn't want to be in trouble.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Nope, I had no place to go.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    what are you up to?

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