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Why are the Progressives on this site so afraid of the Tea (Taxed Enough Already) Party?

The corruption in America began with the Progressives pushing their agenda to Control and Rule America. The party may have slithered into the shadows in 1952, but the party elite infiltrated and usurped the two-party system in America. Americans in 1952 told them all to kick rocks, will Americans in 2010 follow their ancestors and kick the pretenders out of office once again?


Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never harm anyone....

It seems when no viable argument can be provide those on the left resort to name calling...that card along with the racist card have over been played.

viable - feasible: capable of being done

8 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    At this time I am not a member of the tea party. But Progressives see the Tea Party as a threat to upend the spending spree in congress, just today 5/17/10 Congressman Harry Reid tried to push through a Bill resembling a cap and trade bill it Failed, the president sent 400 Million dollars of our money to build Palestinian Houses on the West Bank in Israel. You see he did not send any money to Americans that lost their homes in floods did he? The tea party knows where to hurt a corrupt bill that the senate and house will try to pass into law. Harry Reid if you can't read the writing on the wall, too bad, don't spend anymore money on campaigning you have already lost your election so now you doing all the dirt you can!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Because they know if a viable third party exposes them for what they really are and what they have done, their way of life will change drastically. Not the Obama kind of change either.

    They fear Constitutionalists, Tea Parties, Libertarians, and anyone else who is not buying this government nonsense.

    Here come the thumbs down.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Amazing how they call the Taxpayers Racist for wanting to keep some of the money they worked for, and yet the majority of Progressives want the government to hand that money over to them. They are so selfless.

    Go ahead and call me a racist. That's all you have. Ask my Black girlfriend if I'm racist. I am so tired of this nonsense from selfish people who don't even know who they are talking to.

  • Zon
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    they are not afraid of you as just shaking their heads and wondering how you cant see that you are being manipulated by crooked corporations, fascistic warmongers, theocratic christian nutjobs, and racist shitheads.

    Only ones that aren't being manipulated by them are the ones that would never vote for either major party even when they are the only choices.

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The TEA party people don't know what they are talking about and are a reactionary group of illiterates.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Afraid, no. They're just a bunch of naive nuts who have been riled up by demagogues on Fox.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    You are all uneducated, and racist, and the best thing you can do is die before spreading your hate.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    i'm not scared they cry like little girls

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