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(Rare) Che Guevara video?


I have been looking for a video of Che Guevara, it is fairly famous one (I think), but nonetheless, I cannot find it.

I have only ever seen a small part of it in a documentary,

it is the one where he is sitting on the ground, his back to the wall, wearing his beret and chatting to someone who you cannot see in the video, he also had something what looked like a bandage around his arm.

Can anyone give me the link to it? I need it for a school project and I am very interested in Che Guevara.

Thanks allot!


thanks for the links guys.

and to your comments,

I am not the usual thick teenager who strolls around sporting a che guevara teeshirt. I became interested when I was 14 and started reading up and researching allot on Guevara. I know that he was a killer but I am very interested in his views and I especially support his actions for getting the capitalism by the americans (e.g united mining company) out of south america, who were robbing the people of, for example of Chile of most of their chances of feeding their children properly and survival. I do not blindly idolize guevara for his actions and I do know allot about the subject, enough not to say that I love him for everything he did for the people of South America, because I know that many suffered under guevara and fidel castro, and still do. But I do love the inspiration he inspired for people who were oppressed in other countries, though if anything similar had happened in Cuba, they would have been shot or imprisoned.

6 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    "Che’s life is an inspiration for every human being who loves freedom, we will always honor his memory." — Nelson Mandela

    Che’s “CRIMES” were

    ~ Overthrowing a brutal U$ backed dictator allied with the Mafia (Batista)

    ~ Stopping American companies from owning 70 % of the arable land in Cuba

    ~ Teaching peasants to read, by bringing the Cuban literacy rate from 60 to 97 %

    ~ Having the 200 or so War Criminals who killed 20,000 Cubans for Batista shot against a wall

    ~ Speaking out against South African Apartheid to the UN in 1964

    ~ Fighting white mercenaries in the African Congo with an all black army

    ~ Speaking out against U$ and eventually USSR Imperialism while demanding that the poor of the world be allowed to live a life of dignity

    The U.$. Aggression that Che heroically fought against …

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are plenty of videos of him ordering the firing squads to shoot brave young men for a crime of believing in freedom and democracy.

    [EDIT, Monday moring]

    He may have stopped capitalism from robbing South America---now Chavez pretty much owns a monopoly on the business of sucking the life out of the poor people in South America!

    God bless you.

    I know you mean well.

    But doesn't communist's promise of delivering power to the people always result in a more perverse case of the masses being brutally dominated by a small group of politically poweerful elitest than capitalism ever would?

    I will always prefer systems of government that distribute power more evenly throughout society than Castro's Cuba, Chavez's Venezuela, Kim Jong Ill's North Korea, Putin's Russia, or Mao's China. These countries may as well be religious theocracies like Iran---the people suffer the same loss of freedom.

    Capitalism really does suck with its brutal separation between the haves and have nots----but is allowing only a smaller group of haves run the masses really the solution?

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I hope your interest in Che is like someone else's interest in mass-murderers or what makes a racist tick. He isn't the romantic hero figure many purport.

  • SC
    Lv 4
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Well you can find videos of Che, Hitler, Stalin, and other indiscriminate killers on

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  • Why would you be interested in a murderer?

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    This one should tell you all you need to know.

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