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Bible justification for rape, child murder, or murder of women?

This question claims the Bible justifies these things, among others:;_ylt=Au256...

I'm interested in seeing the references for these claims. I can't think of any examples at all justifying rape, and the closest I can come for murder of children involve adult progeny specifically treating parents in a hostile manner.

I am not sure what "murder of women for minor offenses" means, either, but it might depend on what one considers minor. The one case I can find in my notes is falsely representing oneself as a virgin when marrying.

References supporting any of these would be helpful.


These don't relate to the question:

Gen 38:8-10

Ex 4:24-25, 31:15

Deu 17:2-7, 23:1, 25:11-12

1 Sam 18:25-27

Luke 21

2 Sam 12:11-14 and Kings 2:23-24 don't apply: rapes are not condoned, and "murder" doesn't extend to illness or bear attacks.

Rebellious offspring to be executed (Lev 20:9 and Deu 21:18-21) are plainly adults, not children.

Deu 22:23-24 is the rule about whether illicit sex is rape or consensual. In neither case is rape condoned. Maybe fornication violating betrothal is a "minor offense."

Ex 21:7-11 and Deu 21:10-14 address sex with female slaves and war captives. Both passages give the woman rights of a wife. But there's no requirement of consent.

That leaves the ethnic cleansing (Midianites, Num 31)) and the wife-stealing (Jabesh-Gilead, Judges 21:10-24). I'll concede rape and child-killing. The women are either killed for no offense at all (as an act of war), or for a major one.

Best answer has the most acceptable references.

20 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Murder, rape, and pillage at Jabesh-gilead - Judges 21:10-24

    Murder, rape and pillage of the Midianites - Numbers 31:7-18

    David's Punishment - Rape, Baby Killing in 2 Samuel 12:11-14 NAB

    Rape of Female Captives - Deuteronomy 21:10-14

    Sex Slaves - Exodus 21:7-11

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Child molesters are child molesters, whether they're priests or anyone else. There is no biblical justification for molesting a child. I don't remember David, Soloman or Noah abusing children or raping anyone, and Lot was only threatened rape by the bad guys, which doesn't justify didly squat. Actually, the bible does allow divorce in the instance of an adulterous spouse, so I guess you just conveniently forgot to copy and paste that part.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    Scriptures On Justification

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The Bible advocates murder in Exodus 31:15 by saying anyone who works on the sabbath day shall be stoned to death. So does Deuteronomy 17:2-7 when the Bible justifies putting someone to death for breaking the First Commandment. Leviticus 20:9 says that disobedient teenagers must be put to death as well. Sorry, I can't find anything for rape, but those are just a few that justify murder.

    Quelle(n): The "So Called Word of God"
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  •  ✰
    Lv 5
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Look, I'm not going to attack the Bible even though I'm not a Christian. I'm only going to say that I don't agree with the vast majority of what's in the book. Some things in there sound like they could have come from the mouth of a sage, others were clearly put there for political reasons and to control the peoples of our past. It's that simple.

    But I still think the Bible can teach us a lot about ourselves, our past, our beliefs and even our relationships with each other. Heck, look at all the controversy that seems to always surround the text and all its translations, interpretations, etc..

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    There are a number of places in the Bible where the children of Israel are told to go forth and kill all. The original language of the Bible is in Hebrew, though and the word for murder is the same word that is used for kill and also execute. So there are a lot of people who like to pick and choose which use the word they want based on their own agenda.

    To this date, I have found no place where God orders Israel to go in and murder (based on the context of the story). The Bible draws a distinction between murder, killing out of self defense, execution as a form of punishment and the killing in a time of war.

    A good exercise is to find out what the Hebrew word is for kill, murder, execute, etc and then look at how it is translated into English based on the context of the passage in which it is used.

    OF course there are literally dozens of anti-Christian and anti-Jew websites that will claim that God condoned the killing of "innocent women and children" and will use this anomaly of translation as support for that claim.

    As for rape, we must keep in mind that we think of rape by the standards and definitions of today. Those standards were likely not the same a few thousand years ago. In other words, that which we call rape today was not called rape back then and vice versa. A perfect example of this translation inconsistency is the word "unicorn" which is in the Bible several times. On the surface it would appear that the Bible claims that a mythical creature exists. But once you start looking back into historical writings (even as recent as about 200 years ago) you find that the "unicorn' as recorded in the Bible is a simple rhinoceros. So if something like the word "unicorn" can change from a rhinoceros to a mythical horse-like creature in just 200 years, imagine what "rape" can change into in 3000 years, especially once lawmakers get their hands on it.

    For Pirate's benefit, I would remind that in the story of Lot, offering his daughters knowing that they would not be taken was an act of faith, not immorality. Abraham had every intention of going though with sacrificing Isaac, but that did not make him a murderer. There is a difference between intent and the actual act. He has obviously read parts of the Bible. But it doesn't seem that he understood what he read.

  • vor 6 Jahren

    You need to understand though that that the ones being killed were abominations called nephilim...also giants....they were children ofvtge fallen angels and were determined to polite the bloodlines of every woman alive and since they were so large they devoured resources and resorted to eating people ....this wasn't a case of God deciding the Jews were better than the next group of people like the Joneses next door...they were the founders of paganism and evil ....God flooded them out and then warned Noah they would return...,notice in hytoglyphics you see the pharaoh huge with small men around them. The world at this time was literally Lord of the rings.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Reread Leviticus, pay special attention to the laws concerning rape. Essentially if I wished to marry someone (under those laws) is to ensure she couldn't scream loud enough or take her out to the countryside. Then too look at the parts where it talks about female slaves... you can have sex with them (sure, that's not rape) but there are restrictions if they have children (it's still not rape if you marry them... )

    On the other hand, you can look at the parts that talk about the conquering of the holy land where they were directed to kill every one, or kill everyone except the virgins which they were to give to the temple or take as wives (forced marriage = rape). Don't forget to read about Lot who was considered "righteous" and who offered his his daughters to be gang banged by a mob.

    Really, haven't you read your Bible or do you just believe what you are told in church?

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If speaking of it is justification, then so too is every news media guilty of justifying rape, child murder or murder of women.

  • Moi
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The poster supplied no scriptural references. Always look for scriptural references. In their absence there is no truth. The Bible does not justify any of these things.

    The scriptures supplied below from Numbers and Deuteronomy are taken out of context and are not tantamount to either rape or murder. When we follow God's commands, we are absolved of any wrongdoing.

    In those days, it was kill or be killed. God ordered his people the Hebrews who and when to conquer. Whenever they ignored God as they sometimes did, THEY were conquered themselves.

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