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Hi, could you please tell me if this text is correct, and if not, what i should change?

Miss... resident in via rencio 56 39100 Bolzano was working for us from december 2006 until april 2010 as a beautician.

Miss ... has worked at the beautifarm of Hotel Erica in Nova Ponente from december 2006 until april 2010 as a professional beautician. Her work required a good knowledge of different beauty treatments such as facials (classic face cleansing and all those of the lines "Maria Galland" and "Cosmeceutici"), body treatments (slimming, toning, scrubs, wraps in "softpack", baths, etc.), manicure and pedicure with relating treatments.

In addition, she also gave massages (classic, relaxation, californian, ayurvedic, hawaiian, lymphatic drainage, stone). Certainly very reliable, she has always done her tasks with professionalism, punctuality and astringency. We would like to point out her availibility to customers and her excellent relationship to all the staff of the hotel. Our collaboration ends at her choice. We wish her good luck for the future and if one day she would like to come back to work for us, we will be happy to welcome her again.

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    It's correct.

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