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Why can't I steal the ball from AI on Legendary (FIFA10)?

They can literally walk through my defense!!! It pisses me off! PACE CTRL + TACKLE = FAIL, Sliding Tackle seems to be the only thing that is successful. Any Tips?

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    i dont really have any good tips but what i use is a team with good defense or maybe good speed or something like that and when u switch to another person hold A and the person will automatically go to the perason who has the ball n when your close by them hold on to B and that should try to take the ball away from them

    if u ever want to have a match add my gamer tag youngdizzyboy and just say this is from yahoo answers and i will definitely play a match

    Quelle(n): i have fifa 10 on xbox and i can at least beat legendary 1-0 its not great but its still decent
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