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Does anyone know about Red Lotus Special Flour (e.g. dim-sum making)?

Unfortunately, I can't find any original info about it on the internet.

Has anyone ever used 'Red Lotus Special Flour' (from Thailand) to make Cantonese steamed buns like Char Siu Bao?

– Did they turn out bright white and fluffy like professionally produced dim sum?

– Is it bleached flour, and if so, any idea if unhealthy substances were used in the bleaching process?

3 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    In the Asian shops they should have a bag or packet of Steamed Bun flour/mix, this is what you want, all the Red Lotus Flour is , you have self raising flour, rice flour, cornflour, a bit more bicarb and milk powder, some have yeast but not all, I am a former chef and worked in both Singapore and Japan, we had an Aussie pastry chef and he was amazed with this mix, in Singapore we had 3 restaurants in the hotel, a Cafe, the French /Italian classical dining room and a Singaporean/Chinese place that did Sunday brunch with 30 types of dim sum, I watch them do the buns, and they allow me to try, I was the executive sous chef so I was more likely to be doing the work in the French/Italian DR.

  • poul
    Lv 4
    vor 4 Jahren

    Lotus Flour

  • Roz
    Lv 7
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I've never used Red Lotus Special Flour but you can get it at any Ranch 99 store.

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