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Private Practice season 4?

I just finished watching season 3 of "Private Practice" online and I don't think that that can be the end of it all.... However, I can't find one single hint of a "Season 4" on the internet. I'm writing from Spain... do you guyes in the USA know more than we here?? Are they planing / working on a fourth season??

Thanx already

1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Are you sure you've seen the entire third season? So far only 16 episodes of it have aired here in the USA, and I know there are at least five more episodes (or more) left to air this season. Anyway, to answer your question, although it hasn't been officially renewed for a fourth season, it's almost a given that it will come back. It gets pretty good ratings here in the USA and I would be extremely shocked if it doesn't come back for another season. Actually, in my somewhat educated opinion, it will most likely be around for at least two to three more seasons.

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