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blackmaria fragte in Social SciencePsychology · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

violent conflict between parents..!?

It has become almost a everyday situation for me and my sister, that our parents often have some (sometimes even violent)arguments because of nearly EVERYTHING.

My father always (!) tries to make my mother's life stressful and difficult and she lets him provoke her (He knows exactly that her habit is to get quickly stressful -> provokes her with her "faults" like "Why do you cook so much, I can't eat all of that; just so stupid, not thinking about his children or her and who said that he has to eat her stuff,just to feel like provoking her after he ate).

If my mother's not at home or if I have involved myself to mediate their disputes he then does the same with me.

I'm honest, most of the time I was just thinking about how to BEAT him up (I'm a martial artist;Taekwondo) and let him suffer everything he did to her, but that wouldn't really solve anything.

Reputation is very important to both of them, that's why they were thinking about divorce, but none of them would do that (Reputation).

The other day my mom found out that a friend (!) who was divorced since a year has a go to bring her to apply for a divorce, just to "snatch" my father away from my mom (Sorry, but that's what I call a bi*ch).

Everytime they argue with each other, my sister and I aren't able to even learn for school (test and so on).

On top of that my father said (when he wasn't careful about what he said, he confessed that if they (my mom and him) are divorced, he would immediately MARRY that KIND of "friend" of hers (that b**** you know)

I always knew that my father doesn't love my mother at all (when they married my mom was pregnant (my elder sister) and he was even DRUNK at that night and he ordered her to sleep on the FLOOR with only a thinny mattress).

Normally I wouldn't tell this to anybody (except my friends) but I don't know what to do since my mom wants to suffer until my sister and I have graduated to move to a good friend (and not someone like the other "friend) of hers.

Calling the police or trying to arrange that with friends didn't bring anything at all (my father pretends to be a "good" husband when there's somebody at our house, but when they're gone his real "face" appears again)

I just don't want to see her suffering because of a pitiful a*shole.

Sorry for the long text..


@fitzy: Thanks for your answer. I already talked to the psychologist from our school ( a former math teacher of mine,too) and yeah you're right, that made me feel somehow better, "getting rid" of these oppressive loads (for a moment). When I speak to him or to other people I trust about that issue a bit "deeper" I realise that that's really a problem (I'd always pretend myself that the violent and that mentally loads would go away if I just don't let them control me). I want to avoid any costs (I don't think my mom would go to a psychologist or to someone that'd cost something, because she wouldn't know if that'd work)

2 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I can understand all of what you are saying, as my mother told me the stories of her parents escapades and they sound similar to your situation. Though what my mother never did was deal with the abuse in the household. The arguing in your household is mentally harming you (I know this because I can see the harm in my mother and her siblings). I would seriously consider making an appointment with a counselor to start and express your concerns about your families situation. A stressful childhood can do very damaging things to a person.

    I notice you also mentioned violence too, that's horrible, I feel very sorry for you. Please don't hesitate to talk to a counselor that is trained in family affairs.

  • vor 4 Jahren

    i think of mens rights is something that persons could desire to start annoying approximately. If I have been a guy and society and the government become purely centred on womens rights and continuously made adult men out to be the incorrect doers, i could be fairly pissed. no longer all adult men are spouse beaters and rapists and toddler molesters, and that i'm fairly bored with feminists attempting to lead them to out that way.

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