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well I grabbed my rat by its tail ... and i bit me.

Am I going to die !

Do I have rat rabies ! :O

I think my mouth is is dry *smack smack* om nom nom nom :(

I cant drink water I just tried !!! >:O


and how long do i have to live...anyone wanna come to my funeral :'( ? Thanks for the help :D

BEcareful my rat might bite you...hes on the loose on here :O :O :O

PS his name is MICKEY MOUSE WTF hes a celebrity right ??? (O:B

3 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort


    It's obvious you have rat rabies, which is much worse than normal rabies. Rat rabies causes you to turn into a very aggressive, zombie-like creature who feeds on other humans!! Please seek help immediately!!!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    If its a pet rat no you will not have rabies, you treat it like any cut, wash it, put some antiseptic cream on it and put a plaster on it. It should heal in about 3-4 days without any problems.

    What you really need to go to the doctor about is your brain...not your finger.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    what the hell?? That's a weird question. Go see a doctor...your delusional

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