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I can control it by thinking them as I close my eye in a dark room. I can even able to control a small group of light green spots

glowing in the middle of my imagination view from very small into three times bigger. A view looks like a green dots galaxy. This view is generated from my mind I beleive. Somebody said they saw the simular view in blue or gold color.

I never have gold spot in my imagination view. Mostly are green and red spots mixing together side by side starting move from right to left. They were more colorful at the time while I was 10 years old. Less colorful as my age glows older. Blue spots never shown in my view. Last night I tried to imaginate it before sleep and after woke up. This view is located at the center of my forehead. A small green spots that I can control is at the center of center. The un-controllable back ground is those green and red spots moving very quickly then disappear. The back ground moving image changed occasionally beyond my controlled. Like today I saw different lighting behind groups of cloud moving toward me. It looks like I was travelled in a space ship passing through a mirage turbulance (simular like the view of movie Star Trek II ).

I discussed this phenomenon with my wife and small daughter.

My wife said she never have such experience. But my daughter said she has the same experience. She saw the spots in purple and red ,but never in blue. She could make it happen by imaginating it before fall into sleep.

I knew this is not a sickness of my eyes or brain,because I grew up normally like others. If you have the simular experience like me,

I do like to hear it,like what you saw (imaged) in details.


Last night 12-29,before fell into sleep. I tried this trick again by focus my mind. This time,the back ground of my uncontrollable view showing lots of shooting stars in different direction. White white color like fire work, then I feel into sleep.

4 Antworten

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    Yeah...happens to a lot of people,.....i think....

    I see multiple read dots in patterns passing across...and then various green shapes passing across.

    It increases more when I rub my eyes.

    I have also had pink/purple shapes and dots. I can't imagine it but I can control it.

    I asked my dad...he said it was quite normal.

    Quelle(n): common experience
  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I know what you are talking about sir. I dee this to at night before going to sleep. It increases more and more when I rub my eyes and then look forward. It is like a bunch of purple dots scattering across my eyes. Sometimes it is like having a firework slide show. Hope this is an answer you are looking for.

  • Anonym
    vor 5 Jahren

    Size of a pea? That's quite a big spider! The only big green-fanged spider I know of is Segestria florentina (Sorry, it doesn't have a common name), but I've never noticed spots on its back. It would be helpful to know where in the world you lived.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Boring, boring question.

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