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LoneRanger fragte in Beauty & StyleHair · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

cutting/buzzing my hair for charity-reasons - does that make sense for a man?


not just on "youtube" you see dozens of women getting their hair cut-off for so-called "charity-reasons", like breast-cancer-awareness.. or they even cut it, themselves, at home ...

i asked myself: would it make sense, if i cut my hair (or had it cut) for so-called "charity-reasons", or is that just a weird idea? i would "donate" my hair, though it´s not "long" at all for a "good reason", if there was any good reason to do so - could anyone please help me with that question?


1 Antwort

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    its up to you

    Quelle(n): okay
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