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Lv 7
kagmi fragte in Science & MathematicsBotany · vor 1 Jahrzehnt

Has anyone ever gotten sick from eating genetically modified crops?

Hi everyone,

I've been hearing a lot of protest against genetically modified crops, particularly by the Mansanto corporation. Now I'm no fan of Monsanto for other reasons, but I continue to wonder if there's anything to this anti-GM food hype.

I've heard of many scares and suspicions about genetically modified seeds, but the most serious problems with them I'm aware of are the transmission of weedkiller-resistant genes to wild plants and weeds. Now call me crazy but that doesn't sound like a major human health risk.

Is anyone aware of any incidents of people getting sick, having allergic reactions, nutritional problems, etc., because of eating genetically modified plants? Everything I've heard about genetically modified seeds has been positive--plague-resistant wheat, golden rice, etc.. But I can't help but feel that I'm missing some key piece of information.

3 Antworten

  • pedro
    Lv 6
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    If you restrain your scope of knowledge to just traceable effects to an individual, you are missing the point. Think climate change in scope. Think generations of adaptation, inherited affinity, working with the earth, not for the corporate ceos and shareowners, to generate life sustaining nutrition.

    While consuming fluoride in tap water may not harm everyone that does it, some definitely are injured. Not all will be sickened by vaccination, some will be harmed. That we are just numbers and consumers is the real issue. We have lost our connection to our Garden, survive in illness and fatigue, lied to for economic gain. Reliance upon gmo crops and seeds has led to seizure of farmland, suicide, and soon you won't be able to grow your own. That much is certain.

    edit: Darwin's Theory of Natural Selection allows for the adaptation by individuals to benefit species survival. Genetic mutation is so obvious, but many provide no added benefits, and so not spread throughout a gene pool. Depending upon the life cycle of the population, beneficial mutations are shared with the population.

    Contrast that with the forced and hidden corporate food industries which modify everything for profit, whether we need generations to develop adaptive strategies or not. HFCS and fluoride distribution methods are prime examples of known hazards being consumed by millions every day, their health be damned. Individuals are also the receptacle for genes which confer less adaptability. We are mortal, not corporate immortals.

    Quelle(n): "Badges? We don't have to show you no stinking badges!" Bandido to Dobbs, The Treasure of the Sierra Madre.
  • vor 7 Jahren

    Yes many have however they cannot easily prove it.Remember DDT was supposed to be good for you and me and it took decades to prove harmful.Also tobacco,asbestos,agent orange and many others took many years to prove harmful.

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Not me. And that extra foot comes in handy in the three-legged races.

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