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What Skatershoes do you wear and how do you lace them?

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    I don't think my opinion counts, but imma give it anyway:

    DC and Osiris

    I lace them up regularily but then tie the remaining laces and tuck it in the shoe so it won't show, that way i never have to tie my shoes.

  • Shape Ups from SKECHERS are designed to get you fit while you walk, work, shop, and more. Shape Ups have as much a place in your life as your boots, sandals, and dress casuals, and can retrain your muscles, helping you walk with a positive impact. Used properly, Shape Ups change the way you approach your daily activities. Used regularly, Shape Ups will enhance the way you feel and look; muscles get toned, calories are burned and your posture improves.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    I have a pair of Etnies, and I lace them the regular way, and I wear them with no socks.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Es' shoes! Some come with level 3 insoles which are the best cushioning. there just great for skating, and are you looking for hightop or just regular?

    Quelle(n): Skating for 5 years.
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