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R&P: Favorite songs about a particular person? (+BQs)?

Since I'm really into songs about particularly named persons (e.g. The Beatles - Eleanor Rigby) I was wondering: What are some of your favorite songs of that kind?

(the name doesn't have to be mentioned in the title necessarily)

BQ: Last thing you've done for your favorite band?

BQ2: Have you lately discovered new music (I mean, new to you) via radio?

BQ3: Currently playing?

6 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    "Richard Cory" covered by Wings

    "John Sinclair" by John Lennon

    BQ - Bought one of their CD's.

    BQ2 - Not via the radio.

    BQ3 - Nothing at the moment.

  • vor 5 Jahren

    it is cool Punch. i will take a glance. i in my opinion in simple terms observed my first Broadway play final weekend and it become rather marvelous. i in my opinion could desire to ascertain a very sturdy action picture popping out of it too. It become reported as next to usual. I basically heard the tunes as quickly as in passing and did no longer completely connect with any particular songs, the orchestration become very cool however. some rather great vocal harmonies and a particularly cool take on the soundtrack frequently (it become a musical). Anyhoo, i do no longer inevitably have any favorites. I constantly have been prepared on the music 1921 from Tommy, which falls proper into that showtune mould.

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    The Day Seattle Died - Cold (A tribute to Kurt Cobain)

    BQ3: A Current Obsession - Lacuna Coil

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Pig Destroyer - "Natasha"

    Opeth's 'Still Life' album

    BQ: Buying CDs, spreading the word

    BQ2: no

    BQ3: Converge - "Wretched World"

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  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Mrs. Robinson ~ Simon & Garfunkel

    (I think she and Eleanor are friends ;-)

  • Anonym
    vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Let Robeson Sing - Manics

    BQ: I don't get it ...

    BQ2: no

    BQ3: Breathe - Pink Floyd

    Quelle(n): now tell me that somebody don't know who Paul Robeson was ?! lol
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