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As you grown up have your Parents ever use?

That your parents as you grown up are use your complete name with stern voice if you going into trouble? If i hear from mum or dad my first, middel and my familyname i know that i walking on thin ice.

4 Antworten

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt
    Beste Antwort

    stern voice, HOT SAUCE, BBQ SAUCE (Not really a evil punishment), Belt to my butt, slapped me, put me in a neck hold, ground me

  • If you come from the American culture, many mothers don't even say your name, they just knock you over your head right then and there, no matter where they are, on impulse. They don't care if cameras are watching them. They don't care if the President of the U.S. is watching them, they'll just do it right then and there. That's why they are the highest population of mothers who get arrested for beating their kids. They just smack you right there. They don't care if your friend cares or anything. Action is their middle name. THEY DO NOT WAIT TO KICK YOUR ***, if you are acting up! If you see their eyes get angry, and they are silent across the table, or even while you are explaining yourself, you KNOW that you should start running, because they don't wait for anything. "I didn't mean to do..." BOOM! "I didn't mean to..." BOOM! That's the way that it goes. THEY DON'T WAIT, and they don't fend for you. If someone says that their kid did something wrong, they just take action, or they pull you off to the side, or grab you, if they are angry enough, and they whack you upside your head, until what comes out of your mouth is what they want to hear. They might say, "What?" As soon as they say "Wha'?" you are already down on the ground or off to Canada or something. They are not like other mothers who are scared of their reputation in front of other people. They think they are doing their job for society, preparing them for other people. They are scared of cameras now, which is why you might see the parents ignoring their kids, because U.S. law now is all like, "Don't beat your kids. They don't deserve it." THEY ARE IGNORING THEIR KID OR RIDING ALONG, BECAUSE THEY ARE WAITING TO GET OUT TO THE CAR AND BEAT THIER KID'S ***! THEY ARE MOTHERS WHO DO NOT WAIT, NOW, THEY DO, BECAUSE OF LAWS, but IN THEIR CULTURE, THEY DO NOT WAIT TO KICK YOUR BUTT! They do not bring you to another room! In that time, you may forget what you just did! They beat your *** right then and there! That's why you might meet an angry American kid. His Mom is doing her job!!! You can guarantee that!!! They do not play with you, or play your games!

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    Heck, even my sister uses my full name when I'm treading on thin ice!(I'm 36)

  • vor 1 Jahrzehnt

    What an unusual question......., first time I have ever heard parents use full names when telling children off. Yawn.

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